Proprietary Development Services
In addition to developing the IntelliCAD core horizontal platform, the ITC also provides proprietary development services to help members reduce time to market for their vertical solutions. The ITC provides proprietary development services to assist members with:
Process Analysis – Analyze and optimize member organizations development processes: source control, defect tracking, automated builds, automated testing, API selection, coding standards, code analysis and optimization.
Vertical Solutions Development – Members can expand their team with offshore ITC development resources to implement their proprietary vertical solutions.
Automated Builds – Set up and implement an automated builds framework.
Automated Testing – Set up an automated test framework and implement automated tests.
Cooperative Development Services

The ITC consists of a diverse group of members with varied interests. Mainstream development of the IntelliCAD platform is funded by membership fees and is focused on the common needs of members, but in some cases small groups of members may have a strong interest in functionality that is outside of the primary scope of typical IntelliCAD development. In such cases, the ITC works with small groups of members independently in the form of a Special Interest Groups (SIGs).
Special Interest Groups (SIGs) Provide Opportunity
SIGs provide the opportunity for members to share expenses in developing new areas. For example, ITC members have shared costs in developing new interfaces, mobile development platforms, file converters and other components used inside and outside of IntelliCAD.
The primary responsibility for forming a SIG belongs to the ITC membership:
Independent funding – SIG development is funded separately from the core membership fees.
Requirements – SIG members agree upon and formulate a firm scope and set of requirements for the project.
- Shared results – Only SIG members can release products or components developed by the SIG.
SIG Member Benefits
Special Interest Groups allow ITC members to pool resources to create new technology useful to their companies but which can also be licensed to other members. This also allows members to provide specific funding for the ITC to grow in new areas without negatively affecting the resources needed to maintain the core technology. Only SIG members can release features developed by the SIG, giving them a competitive advantage over non-SIG members. While SIG members define the scope, the projects are managed and developed by the ITC team and provide a low-cost alternative for members to share in feature development.
The ITC's analysis of our development process was enlightening to our organization. We learned a lot about ourselves and discovered there was much more value to our membership than we realized. We implemented many changes that improved overall product quality, reduced time to market and greatly improved morale of our development team.
Mark Taylor, CEO FRAMECAD Ltd., ITC Director