Articles and Press Releases

Based on IntelliCAD: ZWCAD 2017 Reviewed and Tested

ZWCAD is cost-effective CAD design software based on IntelliCAD and developed by ITC member ZWSOFT. ZWCAD 2017 was recently reviewed by Jeffrey Heimgartner, an experienced CAD designer and manager at CapStone. The review highlights ZWCAD's speed of opening files, ease of use, compatibility, and performance.

It’s hard to beat the performance and features you get from ZWCAD 2017..." – Jeffrey Heimgartner

Here is a large 3D building model used to test stability and performance:


To read the review, visit

IntelliCAD Technology Consortium:

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD ZWCAD

ProgeSOFT Hits the Road at National Tourism Rally Championship


ProgeSOFT's partner in Argentina has sponsored rally driver Adrián Chiriano who is competing in Argentina's National Tourism Rally Championship. Today, October 9, 2016, Chiriano is competing in the Alta Gracia’s autodrome circuit, with progeCAD racing along too on the hood of his car. For more details and photos: 

ProgeSOFT develops progeCAD, which is based on IntelliCAD, and is a member of the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium.

IntelliCAD Technology Consortium:

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD ProgeSOFT

CAD Manufacturing Solutions Releases New CMS IntelliCAD 8.2 Premium Edition


CAD Manufacturing Solutions, member of the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium, recently announced a new release of CMS IntelliCAD 8.2 Premium Edition. New features include exporting to 3D .pdf files, more options for exporting to 2D .pdf files, an in-place multiline text editor, fields, opening and saving native .dgn files, rendering with ARTISAN, and much more. More details>>

CMS IntelliCAD 8.2 Premium Edition is based on the recent ITC release of IntelliCAD 8.2. The new Premium Edition also includes a CLOUD version.

CMS: (trial versions available in the Downloads area)
IntelliCAD Technology Consortium:

Topics: IntelliCAD CMS ITC CAD

MicroSurvey at Upcoming INTERGEO Trade Fair


MicroSurvey will be attending the INTERGEO 2016 conference and trade fair for geodesy, geoinformation and land management. You can find MicroSurvey at booth A1.079 on October 11–13, 2016 at the trade fair in Hamburg, Germany.

MicroSurvey bases its many software solutions on IntelliCAD and is a member of the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium.

More conference details:
IntelliCAD Technology Consortium:

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC Civil Microsurvey CAD GEO

See FRAMECAD in a City Near You


You can see how IntelliCAD is used in steel framing design and fabrication by exploring FRAMECAD this month at several conferences and shows.

  • October 5–7, 2016
    Florida, USA
    ULI Latin America & the Caribbean Conference 
    More details >>
  • October 12–13, 2016
    London, England
    Off-Site Construction Show, Stand No. E01 
    More details >>
  • October 18–20, 2016 
    BuildTech Asia, Stand #J25 
    More details >>

FRAMECAD is a rapid steel framing design and build system developed by ITC member FRAMECAD Ltd.

IntelliCAD Technology Consortium:


Live in Finland Today and Tomorrow: progeCAD, Based on IntelliCAD


ProgeSOFT's partner, AN-Cad Solutions Company, is demonstrating progeCAD today, October 4 through October 5, 2016, at the 3D Step Conference and Exhibition in Tampere, Finland.

AN-Cad Solutions Company showcased progeCAD last week too at the international trade show Alihankinta Subcontracting Fair 2016, also in Tampere, Finland. 

progeCAD is 2D/3D CAD software based on IntelliCAD and is developed by ITC member ProgeSOFT.

More 3D Step conference details: 
IntelliCAD Technology Consortium:

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD ProgeSOFT

IntelliCAD used by MicroSurvey in Mapping, Accident Reconstruction, Forensics, Civil, and Survey


MicroSurvey Software Inc. — member of the ITC — delivers its many IntelliCAD-based applications to land surveyors, civil engineers, seismic surveyors, mapping professionals, police officers, and accident reconstruction specialists. There are many different CAD development platforms available, but year after year MicroSurvey chooses IntelliCAD because it is the only open source, non-profit, cooperative CAD development platform.

IntelliCAD Co-op is the foundation for our civil, survey and forensic CAD applications. IntelliCAD provides a familiar CAD interface for our users and familiar development APIs for our developers. In addition to the standard APIs, IntelliCAD Co-op provides complete source access at the core level that has enabled new solutions we could not create on any other CAD platform. – Jason Poitras, General Manager MicroSurvey, ITC Secretary

To learn more about how MicroSurvey benefits from ITC membership, go to
IntelliCAD Technology Consortium:

Topics: IntelliCAD Survey Civil Microsurvey CAD CO-OP Mapping Accident Reconstruction Forensics Membership

ITC Member, ActCAD Engineering Solutions, Releases Updates to ActCAD 2017 and ActCAD 2016

actcad_logo.pngActCAD Engineering Solutions, a member of the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium, recently announced updated releases to its 64-bit and 32-bit versions of ActCAD:

  • ActCAD 2017 is now based on IntelliCAD 8.2a.
  • ActCAD 2016 is now based on IntelliCAD 8.1b.

For more details about ActCAD, see



Topics: IntelliCAD ITC ActCAD CAD

With Carlson Software, CAD Users Choose Their CAD Platform


Carlson Software creates software for land development, engineering, and mining. Since 2007, when Carlson Software joined the ITC, Carlson customers have had a choice in CAD platforms: IntelliCAD® or Autodesk® AutoCAD®. 

"If a user already has AutoCAD, they can run our solutions. If they are looking for an effective, lower cost CAD alternative, then Carlson's products come with IntelliCAD built in, ready to use for no extra cost." – Bruce Carlson, President/Founder of Carlson Software

To learn about how Carlson Software and the ITC work together, go to

Carlson Software:
IntelliCAD Technology Consortium:




Topics: IntelliCAD ITC Survey Civil Carlson Software CAD CO-OP Membership

ITC Member ProgeSOFT Announces New E-book: Inside progeCAD 2017


ProgeSOFT, member of the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium, announces e-book Inside progeCAD 2017. The e-book is designed to help new progeCAD users get started using progeCAD 2017, which is a 2D/3D general-purpose CAD application based on the IntelliCAD engine.

Inside progeCAD 2017, by Ralph Grabowski, is available for free. For more details about the e-book, see

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD ProgeSOFT