Articles and Press Releases

ZWCAD Wins Top Builder Award Again

zwcad_software.jpgZWCAD has won the Top Builder Award 2016 in Poland. This is the sixth year that ZWCAD has been awarded the title. 

ZWCAD is CAD software developed by ITC member ZWSOFT and is based on the IntelliCAD engine.

For more details, see

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC Architecture CAD ZWCAD

US Navy Finds Gains using FRAMECAD Mobile Factory


FRAMECAD Mobile Factory and its Light Gauge Steel construction was evaluated by the US Navy for disaster relief and humanitarian assistance. A reduction in construction time by two-thirds and a reduction in required workforce by one half were just some of the benefits initially reported.

FRAMECAD Ltd. is an ITC member developing the FRAMECAD system, which is a rapid steel framing design and build system based on IntelliCAD. 

For more details and to watch the video, see



ActCAD 2018 Maintenance Releases Available

actcad_logo.pngITC member ActCAD Engineering Solutions recently announced updated maintenance release 8.3.365 for ActCAD 2018 Professional and Standard in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. 

ActCAD 2018 is CAD software based on the latest IntelliCAD 8.3 engine. For more details, see


Topics: IntelliCAD ITC ActCAD CAD

NewCAD 3D 2017c Released Based on Latest IntelliCAD Engine

webcad_disc.pngITC member WebCAD released a new version of its CAD drawing software, NewCAD 3D 2017c, on January 17, 2017. NewCAD 3D 2017c is based on the most up-to-date IntelliCAD engine, version 8.3.

NewCAD 3D 2017c includes new features such as drawing tabs for easy navigation, gradient hatches, Filter command, eTransmit command, and much more.

For more details, see

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD WebCAD

More than IntelliCAD Engine for ITC Member FRAMECAD


Since 2011 when FRAMECAD Ltd. joined the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium, the IntelliCAD engine has been the base for the FRAMECAD system — an end-to-end design and build system used for rapid construction of buildings for businesses, governments, and communities worldwide. But there was more to be gained from an ITC membership, for example, FRAMECAD benefited from ITC development systems that are designed for large-scale software distribution.

IntelliCAD Co-op provides insight into large-scale development tools and processes. We were able to leverage lessons on globalization, localization, crash reporting, code analysis, automated testing and other processes that helped elevate our software development. – John Burns, Senior Software Developer FRAMECAD Ltd.

To learn more about how FRAMECAD benefits from ITC membership, go to

IntelliCAD Technology Consortium:

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD FRAMECAD CO-OP Membership

ActCAD 2018 Available Based on IntelliCAD 8.3

actcad_logo.pngActCAD 2018 is now available, based on the most recent IntelliCAD 8.3 release. ActCAD is general purpose CAD software delivered by ITC member ActCAD Engineering Solutions.

ActCAD 2018 is available in Professional and Standard versions, including 64-bit and 32-bit. For more details about features and additions in the latest ActCAD release, see

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC ActCAD CAD

IntelliCAD Technology Consortium Announces Release of IntelliCAD® 8.3

IntelliCAD 8.3 Screen Shot.png

Portland, OR, USA, December 28, 2016 — The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) today announced the release of IntelliCAD 8.3.

IntelliCAD 8.3 is a major release that includes new support for the following: packaging drawings and their related files using the eTransmit command, adding gradient patterns to closed entities, improved ease-of-use for hatch patterns, creating filters for selecting entities, searching for files by clicking Tools > Find when using the Open command, easier access to saving workspaces, and more.

Updated APIs include Teigha version 4.2.0 from Open Design Alliance and a major LISP upgrade (VL*, VLA*, VLAX* functions).

For versions of IntelliCAD that support markup for .dgn files in their native format, several new commands are available such as Arc, Redo, Lengthen, Scale, ID, and Fence.

IntelliCAD 8.3 is supported on Microsoft® Windows® 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista®, including 32-bit and 64-bit versions.

Interested IntelliCAD users can contact ITC members to receive details about availability of IntelliCAD software.

Companies interested in more details about IntelliCAD and membership in the ITC should contact the ITC directly. For more information about IntelliCAD and the ITC, including case studies, please visit

About the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium is an independent, non-profit organization funded and directed by its members specifically for the development of the IntelliCAD technology. The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium licenses the IntelliCAD technology to its commercial members, who in turn market and sell applications based on IntelliCAD to their end users. Commercial members have access to the IntelliCAD source code, documentation, developer support, and more. The ITC is also a founding member of the Open Design Alliance, thereby contributing to interoperability in the engineering industry.

For additional ITC news and information, visit the company web site ( or call 1-503-293-7655.

IntelliCAD is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium.


Topics: IntelliCAD IntelliCAD 8 ITC CAD

Highlighting ITC Member 4M

4M_bimsuite.jpg4M S.A., member of the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium since 2000, creates architectural, mechanical, structural, and electrical CAD and BIM applications that are built on top of the IntelliCAD engine. With access to APIs and source code, 4M integrates their own vertical solutions to deliver seamless products to their customers.

Joining the ITC allowed us to develop and deliver market-specific vertical applications with powerful yet familiar CAD functionality combined with well-defined standards and specifications." – Babis Charalambopoulos, Partner and Co-Founder 4M

To learn more about how 4M benefits from ITC membership, go to

4M S.A.:
IntelliCAD Technology Consortium:

Topics: IntelliCAD 4M BIM ITC CAD CO-OP Membership

Q&A with ZWCAD Product Manager

zwcad_PM.jpgZWCAD Product Manager, Daniel Huang, answered questions this fall about ZWCAD 2017, including discussions about new features, performance, upgrade policies, and the future of ZWCAD.

ZWCAD is CAD design software based on IntelliCAD and developed by ITC member ZWSOFT.

To read the Q&A, see

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD ZWCAD

ActCAD Maintenance Releases Available

actcad_logo.pngActCAD Engineering Solutions, a member of the ITC, recently announced updated maintenance releases for ActCAD 2017 and ActCAD 2016. ActCAD is based on the IntelliCAD engine and is general purpose CAD software for civil, mechanical, architectural, electrical, structural, interior and exterior design consultants.

For details about the latest maintenance releases and for download links, see:


Topics: IntelliCAD ITC ActCAD CAD