Articles and Press Releases

ActCAD 2018 Maintenance Release 8.3.642 Available


Based on the latest IntelliCAD 8.3 engine, ActCAD 2018 version 8.3.642 is available in Professional and Standard; 64-bit and 32-bit. Along with improvements and fixes, this latest version of ActCAD 2018 also includes a new drawing creation dialog, new drawing templates, a new UNITS dialog, and new hatch patterns and linetypes. 

ActCAD 2018 users can update to the latest version using the CHECKFORUPDATES command. New users can download the latest ActCAD 2018 version directly from the ActCAD website in the downloads area. For more details about the ActCAD 2018 maintenance release, see the ActCAD news.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC ActCAD CAD

ActCAD 2017 Maintenance Release 8.2.1071 Available


ActCAD 2017 version 8.2.1071, based on the IntelliCAD engine, is now available for ActCAD 2017 Professional and Standard, 64-bit and 32-bit versions. Along with improvements and fixes, this latest version of ActCAD 2017 also includes a new drawing creation dialog, new drawing templates, a new UNITS dialog, and new hatch patterns and linetypes. 

ActCAD 2017 users can update to the latest version using the CHECKFORUPDATES command. New users can download the latest ActCAD 2017 version directly from the ActCAD website in the downloads area.

For more information about the IntelliCAD engine and development platform, see the IntelliCAD website

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC ActCAD CAD

FRAMECAD at Tradeshow Congreso Internacional de la Construcción con Acero


If you’re headed to the upcoming construction tradeshow in Bogotá, Cuba, June 21-23, stop by and check out FRAMECAD and IntelliCAD. FRAMECAD is a rapid steel framing design and build system based on IntelliCAD.

For more details about FRAMECAD at the tradeshow, see here (in Spanish).


AcceliARCH 2017 Released for AcceliCAD

acceliarch logo.gif

CAD software designed specifically for architects, AcceliARCH 2017 is now available for architectural drafting and drawing. AcceliARCH covers the full range of features required by architects, from basic elements such as walls, windows, doors, roofs, and stairways to records, schedules and reports.

AcceliARCH is a good example of an ITC member (in this case Autodsys) leveraging the IntelliCAD engine for specific markets. Combining AcceliARCH with AcceliCAD, which is based on the IntelliCAD engine, provides a complete solution for architectural drawings.

For more information about the May release of AcceliARCH, see: 

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC Architecture CAD Autodsys

New Cloud Version of CMS IntelliCAD 8.3 PE


CMS IntelliCAD 8.3 PE Cloud CAD software was just released from CAD-Manufacturing Systems (CMS). CMS IntelliCAD 8.3 PE Cloud, based on the IntelliCAD engine, uses application streaming to run full-featured CAD software directly from the internet without installation or decreased performance.

Interested in delivering and working with CAD drawings in the cloud? Check out the CMS website and the CMS blog for more details.

Interested in how CMS benefits from membership in the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium? See the Success Story.

Topics: IntelliCAD CMS ITC CAD

ActCAD 2017 Maintenance Release Available


A new patch version 8.2.1058 is available for ActCAD 2017 Professional and Standard, 64-bit and 32-bit versions, based on the IntelliCAD 8.2a engine. In addition to improvements and fixes, added features include new commands for dimension text, GROUPQK & UNGROUP commands, and more options on menus, toolbars, and right-click menus.

ActCAD 2017 users can update to the latest version using the CHECKFORUPDATES command. New users can download the latest ActCAD 2017 version directly from the ActCAD website in the downloads area.

Note that ActCAD 2018 was also released earlier this year and is based on the latest IntelliCAD 8.3a engine. 

For more information about the IntelliCAD engine and development platform, see the IntelliCAD website

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC ActCAD CAD

See FRAMECAD at IndoBuildTech Tradeshow in Indonesia


Headed to the IndoBuildTech Tradeshow this week, May 17th to 21st? Stop by and see IntelliCAD in action. IntelliCAD is the base for the FRAMECAD system, which will be presented at Stand 7-M-6 at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE).

For more details about FRAMECAD at the tradeshow, see the FrameCAD Blog.

For more details about how FRAMECAD and IntelliCAD fit together, see the Case Study.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD FRAMECAD Tradeshows

Just Released: CMS IntelliCAD 8.3 PE


CAD-Manufacturing Systems (CMS) recently released CMS IntelliCAD 8.3 Premium Edition, based on the latest IntelliCAD 8.3 engine. The release includes many new features and performance enhancements; for the list and more details, see the CMS website and the CMS blog.

CMS sells CMS IntelliCAD through a worldwide network and also uses it in-house for crane design and other projects. To see how CMS benefits from the IntelliCAD engine, see here.

Coming soon: The newest version of CMS IntelliCAD Premium CLOUD.

Topics: IntelliCAD CMS ITC CAD

Block Libraries Launched for ActCAD 2017 and 2018


ActCAD's new Block Libraries technology includes more than 5,000 block symbols for civil, mechanical, electrical, architectural, and P&ID industries, and more. ActCAD users can now simply paste their drawing files into a BlockLibrary folder, and the new Block Libraries tool recognizes them immediately on command restart.

Developers at ActCAD used IRX — the C++ API available with IntelliCAD for developing IntelliCAD-specific functionality — to develop their new block technology. ActCAD developers were able to work with IntelliCAD developers when technical questions arose yet another benefit of ITC membership.Programming Overview of Teigha

The new ActCAD Block Libraries are available for ActCAD 2017 and 2018, Professional and Standard versions. 

For a video and more information about ActCAD Block Libraries, see

For more information about ITC membership, see

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC ActCAD CAD Blocks

IntelliCAD User Guides Available for Download and Print

IntelliCAD book cover.jpgInterested in an ITC membership and want to learn more about how your customers can use IntelliCAD? Order a print or download version of the IntelliCAD user guide to see how IntelliCAD users draw in 2D and 3D, view drawings, dimension entities, work with layers, insert blocks and external references, add custom programs, and everything else you expect from a CAD program.

The guides are available for a small fee: $5.00 for a PDF download and $40.00 for a print copy.

  • For the most recent IntelliCAD 8.3 user guides, go here.
  • For all available IntelliCAD user guide versions, go here.

Of course ITC members receive source files and output for the IntelliCAD user guides and other documentation as part of their ITC membership.

Questions? Contact the ITC.


Topics: IntelliCAD ITC Membership