Articles and Press Releases

ActCAD Users Get New Maintenance Releases


New ActCAD 2018 (version 84220) and ActCAD 2017 (version 1102) maintenance versions are available from ActCAD LLC, member of the ITC. ActCAD users can upgrade to the latest improvements and fixes using the CHECKFORUPDATES command. New ActCAD users can download the latest ActCAD version directly from the ActCAD website in the downloads area. 

ActCAD 2018 and ActCAD 2017 are based on the IntelliCAD engine and are available in Professional and Standard editions and 32-bit and 64-bit.

For more details about the maintenance releases, see:

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC ActCAD CAD

All About IntelliCAD World Conference 2017


IntelliCAD World Conference 2017 is fast approaching: November 6 to 8th, 2017 in Auckland, New Zealand. Join the ITC development community in Auckland to:

  • Learn about the IntelliCAD CAD platform and componentsNZ Logo 2.jpg
    Get an in-depth review of the latest processes, features and APIs for CAD solutions development.
  • Meet one-on-one with core developers
    Ask questions, get answers. Learn best practi
    ces and gain ideas from IntelliCAD core components for advanced solutions development.
  • See how and why members use IntelliCAD 
    Network with the ITC community of developers, sharing ideas and best practices for development, testing, automation, internationalization, branding and deployment of CAD solutions.
  • Define your future
    Review progress on current projects and provide direction for future development.

Preliminary Conference Schedule

  • Nov 6, Monday: Member developers can meet one-on-one with ITC developers.
  • Nov 7, Tuesday: ITC presentations, panel discussion, and the latest in IntelliCAD technology: .dwg 2018 compatibility, IFC and Autodesk® Revit® underlays, new mobile platforms, new APIs for BIM and Mechanical applications, and more.
  • Nov 8, Wednesday: Member presentations and exploration of commercial collaboration opportunities; one-on-one developer meetings as required.

Stay an extra day! Go sightseeing on Thursday Nov 9 and explore Auckland by foot or the North Island or Queenstown by plane.

Registration is easy. Sign up for free and then arrange your own travel and accommodations at the conference hotel. 

Register now for IntelliCAD World 2017 ›


Topics: IntelliCAD ITC IntelliCAD World Conference

FRAMECAD Announces Training Sessions in Dubai

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October is the month for FRAMECAD training in Dubai, UAE. Join them in one or all of three sessions to learn basic, intermediate, and advanced techniques for using FRAMECAD Structure and Detailer to build steel gauge buildings.

FRAMECAD software is based on the IntelliCAD engine.

More training details >>

Topics: IntelliCAD CAD FRAMECAD Construction Education

Introducing Carlson iCAD 2017


Just added to the Carlson Software product lineup: iCAD 2017, based on the IntelliCAD engine.

For almost a decade, IntelliCAD has come built-in to Carlson Software products. But the all-new iCAD 2017 allows new and existing Carlson customers to purchase a low cost perpetual license for 2D and 3D CAD modeling that also includes Carlson-specific drafting and annotation commands built-in.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC Carlson Software CAD

See FRAMECAD this Fall


Coming to a city near you is FRAMECAD, a rapid steel framing design and build system based on IntelliCAD. Check out what the IntelliCAD engine can power at one of these expos:

For details about how FRAMECAD and IntelliCAD work together, check out the Success Story.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD FRAMECAD Construction

Free progeCAD Training in the Philippines

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Engineers and designers in the Philippines who want to learn CAD can join a free progeCAD training series held in Cebu. There are two sessions available:

  • Session 1, September 28, 2017
  • Session 2, October 5, 2017

Training is hosted by Architechnologies Inc., a distributor of progeCAD which is based on the IntelliCAD engine. For more details about the free training, see ProgeSOFT News.

Topics: IntelliCAD CAD ProgeSOFT

Cloud-Based CMS IntelliCAD 8.4 Released

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Ready for working with 2D and 3D CAD in the cloud? Cloud-based CMS IntelliCAD 8.4 Premium Edition was just released by CAD-Manufacturing Systems. Based on the IntelliCAD 8.4 engine, cloud-based CMS IntelliCAD 8.4 Premium Edition streams and runs locally on any 64-bit Windows system without performance degradation or the need for special browsers. And all of the features found in CMS IntelliCAD 8.4 are available in the cloud-based version. 

See more details and download a free trial at the CMS blog.


Topics: IntelliCAD CMS ITC Cloud CAD

ActCAD 2018 and 2017 Maintenance Releases Available


Maintenance releases for ActCAD 2018 (version 84215) and ActCAD 2017 (version 1095), both based on the IntelliCAD engine, are now available.

Along with improvements and fixes, both maintenance releases include support for version 2018 .dwg and .dxf files.

ActCAD users can update to the latest version using the CHECKFORUPDATES command. New users can download the latest ActCAD version directly from the ActCAD website in the downloads area. 

For more details about these latest ActCAD maintenance releases, see the following:

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC ActCAD CAD

Preliminary Schedule Available for IntelliCAD World Conference 2017

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Join the ITC from November 6 to 8th, 2017 in Auckland, New Zealand for IntelliCAD World Conference 2017!

Preliminary Schedule

  • Nov 6, Monday: Member developers can meet one-on-one with ITC developers.
  • Nov 7, Tuesday: ITC presentations, panel discussion, and the latest in IntelliCAD technology: .dwg 2018 compatibility, IFC and Autodesk® Revit® underlays, new mobile platforms, new APIs for BIM and Mechanical applications, and more.
  • Nov 8, Wednesday: Member presentations and exploration of commercial collaboration opportunities; one-on-one developer meetings as required.

Stay an extra day! Go sightseeing on Thursday Nov 9 and explore Auckland by foot or the North Island or Queenstown by plane.

Registration for the conference is free. Simply register and arrange your own travel and accommodations at the conference hotel. 

Register now for IntelliCAD World 2017 ›

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC IntelliCAD World Conference

ITC Announces IntelliCAD Access to Version 2018 .dwg Files

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IntelliCAD now delivers access to version 2018 .dwg files. IntelliCAD works natively with .dwg files, with no conversion required, but initial support of the latest .dwg file version 2018 does require conversion. IntelliCAD is expected to have native, non-conversion support soon after the next release from Open Design Alliance, of which the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium is a founding member.

Conversion is prompted for directly within IntelliCAD when you open a version 2018 .dwg file, and then the file can be converted to a version 2013 .dwg file. Conversion is also supported in IntelliCAD Converter.

Initial version 2018 support is available to ITC members for IntelliCAD 8.4, 8.3a, and 8.2a.

Interested in learning more about the IntelliCAD framework? Go >>

Topics: IntelliCAD IntelliCAD 8 ITC CAD