Articles and Press Releases

Find FRAMECAD at INTEX Expo in Maryland USA

framecad-intex-2019April 25-26, 2019: Come see FRAMECAD at INTEX Expo, Booth #938, in Maryland USA. INTEX Expo highlights the latest developments in the wall and ceiling industry. Get details >>

FRAMECAD is a member of the ITC and uses IntelliCAD in its rapid construction build system. To see how FRAMECAD and the ITC work together, read the success story.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD FRAMECAD Construction

IntelliCAD 9.1 Delivers More BIM

IntelliCAD 9.1 BIM Railing

IntelliCAD's BIM technology keeps growing with each IntelliCAD release. IntelliCAD 9.1, released in March 2019, includes the ability to attach version 2019 RVT/RFA format files from Autodesk® Revit® and draw more AEC entities such as stairs, railings, and steel (in addition to the existing ability to draw walls, doors, windows, and slabs).

As with previous versions of IntelliCAD that work with BIM files, you can attach and import RVT/RFA format files and IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) format files. 

IntelliCAD's BIM features are developed within a Special Interest Group (SIG) made up of ITC members who want to specifically advance IntelliCAD's BIM functionality. The BIM SIG works the same way as ITC's Mobile, DGN, and User Interface SIGs — just another way that ITC tailors its services to what their members need.

  • To learn more about the BIM Special Interest Group, see our website.
  • To learn more about the IntelliCAD 9.1 release, see the press release.
Topics: IntelliCAD BIM ITC CAD

Watch the IntelliCAD 9.1 Demo

IntelliCAD 9.1 Start Screen

Interested in the latest IntelliCAD 9.1 release from the ITC? Check out the demo video for new feature highlights. The 9.1 release is packed with them!

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD

IntelliCAD Technology Consortium Announces Release of IntelliCAD 9.1

IntelliCAD 9.1

Portland, OR, USA — The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) today announced the release of IntelliCAD 9.1.

IntelliCAD 9.1 is a major release that includes many new features and improvements.

One of the new major capabilities is attaching digital signatures to .dwg files and validating them. Another is the new Block Editor that makes it easier to create and edit blocks. One more is creating palettes that contain blocks, similar to using a stencil for easily adding shapes to a drawing. There is also a new type of selection grip for users working with schematic drawings where precise scale or sizing is not required.

More IntelliCAD 9.1 features include: print and publish drawings directly to PDF, click keywords at the command prompt, use a Start Page when the program launches, single-click to hide many user interface items at once and increase the drawing area, synchronize viewports, convert to mesh, convert to surface, show and hide edges of three-dimensional entities, view and edit system variables in the new System Variables Manager, and much more.

For versions of IntelliCAD that work with BIM files, attach version 2019 .rvt/.rfa files and draw more AEC entities such as stairs, railings, and steel.

For versions of IntelliCAD that open, save, and edit .dgn files in their native format, users can now work with solids, hatches, aligned dimensions, fill mode, and more.

David Lorenzo, ITC President, stated, “Although the 9.1 release was accomplished in about half the time of a normal IntelliCAD release cycle, it is packed with new features. The depth and breadth of the commands in this short cycle shows how the consortium is growing. This 9.1 spring release provides exciting new features for our members, and it clears much of our command backlog so we can focus on refactoring core components and select key features with our remaining time this year.”

IntelliCAD 9.1 is supported on Microsoft® Windows® 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista®, including 32-bit and 64-bit versions. IntelliCAD Mobile Viewer versions are available for Windows desktop, Google Android, Apple macOS and iOS.

Interested IntelliCAD users can contact ITC members to receive details about availability of IntelliCAD software.

Companies interested in more details about IntelliCAD and membership in the ITC should contact the ITC directly. For more information about IntelliCAD and the ITC, including case studies, please visit

About the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium
The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium is an independent, non-profit organization funded and directed by its members specifically for the development of the IntelliCAD technology. The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium licenses the IntelliCAD technology to its commercial members, who in turn market and sell applications based on IntelliCAD to their end users. Commercial members have access to the IntelliCAD source code, documentation, developer support, and more. The ITC is also a founding member of the Open Design Alliance, thereby contributing to interoperability in the engineering industry.

For additional ITC news and information, visit the company web site ( or call 1-503-293-7655.


Cloud, Mobile, Desktop: CMS Continues Rollout


Interested in CAD in the cloud? What about CAD on mobile? Check out what CAD-Manufacturing Solutions, Inc. (CMS) is doing with desktop, cloud, and mobile, all based on IntelliCAD.

Earlier this year CMS released a new version of its desktop CAD, CMS IntelliCAD 9.0. CMS has continued releasing new versions across its product suite, including its full CAD product for cloud and its CAD viewer for mobile. Get more details:

CMS is a member of the ITC. To learn how CMS and ITC work together to bring CAD to the marketplace, get the success story. If you're specifically interested in CAD for mobile platforms, see IntelliCAD Mobile.

Topics: IntelliCAD CMS ITC Cloud Mobile Platform CAD

FRAMECAD at Upcoming Tradeshow in Saudi Arabia


Headed to the Saudi Big 5 tradeshow in March? Stop by and see FRAMECAD at stand No. F38 in Hall 2: March 10 to 13, 2019. See the announcement >>

ITC member FRAMECAD uses IntelliCAD in its end-to-end design and build system of cold formed steel used for rapid construction of buildings. To see how FRAMECAD and the ITC work together, see the success story.



Updates Available for CMS IntelliCAD 9.0


A new update of CMS IntelliCAD 9.0 Premium Edition (PE and PE Plus) is available from CAD Manufacturing Systems. In addition to fixes, there are several new features: digital signatures for .dwg files, blocks on tool palettes, gunsight crosshairs and other cursor features, and the ability to chamfer and fillet edges of 3D solids.

CMS IntelliCAD is designed for CAD users such as architects, engineers, designers or anyone who wants a fast, efficient, and powerful CAD program on their desktop or in the cloud. CMS IntelliCAD is based on the IntelliCAD engine.

Get the news and updated version from CMS >>

Topics: IntelliCAD CMS ITC CAD

ODA Releases New Versions of its SDKs

oda logo

Open Design Alliance (ODA) recently released version 2019.2 of its entire product line including Drawings SDK, BIM SDK, Architecture SDK, and Civil SDK which are all used by IntelliCAD. It takes some time to integrate new ODA versions into IntelliCAD, but the ITC starts the process immediately in parallel with current development. 

For the news from ODA:

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium is a founding member of the Open Design Alliance.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC ODA

New Maintenance Release Available for ActCAD 2019


A maintenance release for ActCAD 2019 is now available that includes enhancements to LH sections, block attributes creation, fixes, and more. 

ActCAD users can upgrade to the latest 84806 version using the CHECKFORUPDATES command. New ActCAD users can download the latest ActCAD version directly from the ActCAD website in the downloads area. Available in 64- and 32-bit, ActCAD is based on the IntelliCAD engine.


Carlson Software Releases iCAD 2019

Carlson-iCADBox3DCarlson Software released iCAD 2019 just before the holiday blitz at the end of 2018. iCAD 2019 is based on the IntelliCAD engine version 9.0. 

IntelliCAD comes built-in to Carlson Software products, but iCAD 2019 is also available separately at a low cost perpetual license for 2D and 3D CAD modelingNew features include tool palettes, new 3D solid commands, additional DGN support, and new express tools. iCAD 2019 also features Google Earth import and export KML/KMZ, standard CAD entities, the drawing inspector tool and more.

Topics: IntelliCAD DWG DGN Carlson Software CAD