Articles and Press Releases

IGiS-CAD 2018 Receives Open Geospatial Consortium Compliance Certification


IGiS-CAD 2018, based on IntelliCAD 8.4, passed all Open Geospatial Consortium WMS 1.3 client with queryable tests to receive compliance certification. 

Open standards and open platforms — it's what the ITC is all about. So it comes as no surprise that ITC members are pairing their products with additional open standards. IGiS-CAD 2018 compliance certification comes from Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), which develops and manages open standards for the global geospatial community.

Scanpoint Geomatics Limited develops IGiS-CAD, a part of the IGiS system which brings together GIS, image processing, photogrammetry, and CAD on the same platform. It is designed for the agriculture, defense, forestry, disaster management, land information, mining, power, smart city, urban planning, utilities and location based service industries.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD GIS Scanpoint Geomatics

DotSoft Products Now Available for IntelliCAD


IntelliCAD users can now use these DotSoft products, with more coming soon:

  • ToolPac : CAD Productivity Tools
  • XL2CAD : Excel to CAD Connectivity, eliminating OLE problems
  • WD2CAD : Word to CAD Connectivity, eliminating OLE problems
  • MapWorks : Civil/Survey, Mapping & GIS Tools

DotSoft is a developer of add-ons for multiple CAD engines and has been working directly with ITC developers to complete their port. DotSoft says this about working with ITC developers:

Of the three engine developers we work with, the ITC is certainly the most responsive and was very quick to address every issue we encountered. We look forward to working with the ITC and its members in the future. 

More details from DotSoft >> 

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC Survey Civil CAD DotSoft GIS