Articles and Press Releases

Find FRAMECAD at Tradeshows this Fall

framecad process


FRAMECAD will be in-person at tradeshows this fall in France, Mexico, the UK, and the US. Headed to one of the following events? Check out how FRAMECAD uses IntelliCAD in its design and build systems for cold-formed steel construction.

Paris, France at BATIMAT
October 3-6, 2022
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Birmingham, England UK at UK Construction Week
October 4-6, 2022
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Phoenix, Arizona US at Techome Summit Builder
October 4-6, 2022
Indianapolis, Indiana US at METALCON

October 12-14, 2022
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Mexico City, Mexico at Expo CIHAC
October 12-14, 2022
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FRAMECAD uses IntelliCAD in its end-to-end steel frame design and manufacturing system for rapid construction of buildings. To learn how FRAMECAD benefits from ITC membership, read the success story. To find out more about IntelliCAD's BIM technology, go here.

Topics: IntelliCAD DWG BIM ITC CAD FRAMECAD Construction

FRAMECAD used in Rapid Hospital Construction in Response to Pandemic

FRAMECAD and UAE Field Hospital

What can you do in 30 days? Design and construct a 216-bed field hospital using FRAMECAD. The new hospital is located in Fujairah, UAE and includes 56 ICU beds, 160 other beds, offices, and a Covid testing lab.

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FRAMECAD uses IntelliCAD in its end-to-end steel frame design and manufacturing system for rapid construction of buildings. To learn how FRAMECAD benefits from ITC membership, read the success story. To find out more about IntelliCAD's BIM technology, go here.

Topics: IntelliCAD BIM ITC FRAMECAD Construction

Find FRAMECAD at Tradeshows this Summer

framecad steel


FRAMECAD will be at tradeshows this summer in Malaysia, Columbia, and Mexico. In the area? Check out how FRAMECAD uses IntelliCAD in their design and build systems for cold-formed steel construction.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at ARCHIDEX
June 29 to July 2, 2022
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Medellin, Columbia at ExpoCAMACOL
August 24 to 27, 2022
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Querétaro, Mexico at ExpoAcero
August 29 to 31, 2022
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Topics: IntelliCAD DWG BIM ITC CAD FRAMECAD Construction

FRAMECAD in Action


Carnegie Construction used the FRAMECAD system to construct a new building at Emirates Park Zoo, Abu Dhabi, UAE. The site had narrow access that restricted construction options, but the FRAMECAD system and its ability to group frames by zones helped make the project a fast success.

From the start of production, it took six employees just ten days to install all necessary frames.

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FRAMECAD uses IntelliCAD in its end-to-end steel frame design and manufacturing system for rapid construction of buildings. To learn how FRAMECAD benefits from ITC membership, read the success story. To find out more about IntelliCAD's BIM technology, go here.

Topics: IntelliCAD BIM ITC FRAMECAD Construction

New Updates Available for FRAMECAD Structure and Revlink

FRAMECAD Structure 9.2.4

FRAMECAD® Structure 9.2.4 and FRAMECAD Revlink® 1.5.2 are available now. New features in FRAMECAD Structure include dynamic sizing for openings, point loading of girder trusses, and IFC export enhancements. FRAMECAD Revlink new features range from a new Set Panel Edge tool to label enhancements.

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FRAMECAD Structure is based on the IntelliCAD engine and includes IntelliCAD's BIM technology. It is worldwide-compliant engineering software for cold-formed steel construction. To learn how FRAMECAD benefits from collaboration with the ITC, see the success story.

Topics: IntelliCAD BIM ITC FRAMECAD Construction

FRAMECAD Delivers in Buenos Aires Housing Project

FRAMECAD Steel Tech Group

FRAMECAD was used by Steel Tech Group in Buenos Aires, Argentina to rapidly construct a housing complex of over 2,400 square meters. From design to construction in just three months, FRAMECAD's end-to-end steel design and manufacturing system delivered successful completion of the project.

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FRAMECAD includes IntelliCAD in its products. To learn how FRAMECAD benefits from ITC membership, read the success story.

Topics: IntelliCAD DWG FRAMECAD Construction

Watch FRAMECAD in Action: Cutting Build Time by 75%


FRAMECAD was used by Douglass Colony to help construct a 90-unit apartment complex in Jackson, Wyoming, US. In just four months, Douglass Colony designed, produced, and installed the trusses and panels for all four floors of the apartment complex.

Thanks to FRAMECAD, the steel framing was completed in a quarter of the time it would take for traditional framing.

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FRAMECAD uses IntelliCAD in its end-to-end steel frame design and manufacturing system for rapid construction of buildings. To learn how FRAMECAD benefits from ITC membership, read the success story.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC FRAMECAD Construction

New Release: FRAMECAD Structure Version 9.2.3


The FRAMECAD system now includes a new version of FRAMECAD Structure, based on IntelliCAD. FRAMECAD Structure 9.2.3 includes smart panels, improved K-brace export, more truss and rafter input options, enhanced FRAMECAD Revlink importing and exporting, and more.

The upgrade is available at no additional cost for existing FRAMECAD licenses.

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FRAMECAD Structure is worldwide-compliant engineering software for cold formed steel construction. It draws from CFS building codes for USA, Canada, China, Europe, Russia, Brazil, South Africa and Australia/New Zealand. 

FRAMECAD Structure is based on the IntelliCAD engine, and FRAMECAD, Ltd is a member of the ITC. To learn about how FRAMECAD benefits from collaboration with the ITC, see the success story.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC FRAMECAD Construction

Innovation with FRAMECAD in Response to COVID-19


Two companies in the Philippines are using their know-how of rapid construction with FRAMECAD to respond to their community's needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.

AD Villanueva Builders is building and donating several mist and disinfection booths, while FrameGo is building and donating testing booths.

During the global coronavirus pandemic, we are heartened by the good news stories coming out of the FRAMECAD network..." - The FRAMECAD Blog

FRAMECAD, which uses IntelliCAD in its build system, is known for its design and build systems used to efficiently and rapidly construct buildings of all kinds. To learn how FRAMECAD benefits from the IntelliCAD engine, read the success story.


New Release: FRAMECAD Structure Version 9.2

FRAMECAD Structure 9.2

FRAMECAD Structure 9.2 is now available with new features such as seamless integration with Autodesk® Revit®, updated engineering methods to adapt to local norms, cross sections, stud spacing improvements, and more.

The upgrade is available at no additional cost for existing FRAMECAD licenses.

FRAMECAD Structure is worldwide-compliant engineering software for cold formed steel construction, improving engineering time by 80%. It draws from CFS building codes for USA, Canada, China, Europe, Russia, Brazil, South Africa and Australia/New Zealand. FRAMECAD Structure is based on the IntelliCAD engine. 

Get details about FRAMECAD Structure >>


Topics: IntelliCAD ITC FRAMECAD Construction