Articles and Press Releases

Find FRAMECAD at INTEX Expo in Maryland USA

framecad-intex-2019April 25-26, 2019: Come see FRAMECAD at INTEX Expo, Booth #938, in Maryland USA. INTEX Expo highlights the latest developments in the wall and ceiling industry. Get details >>

FRAMECAD is a member of the ITC and uses IntelliCAD in its rapid construction build system. To see how FRAMECAD and the ITC work together, read the success story.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD FRAMECAD Construction

FRAMECAD used to Construct Hyatt Place



Watch how FRAMECAD was used by Douglass Colony to construct this recent Hyatt Place: 

Watch now >>

FRAMECAD uses IntelliCAD in its end-to-end design and build systems for rapid construction of buildings. To learn how FRAMECAD benefits from the IntelliCAD engine:

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD FRAMECAD Construction

ArCADiasoft Celebrates 20 Years


ArCADiasoft is celebrating 20 years of creating construction applications that range from structural design to interior and installation design to energy performance of building calculations to building surroundings design. Over the years they have produced more than 100 products for architects and engineers. 

ArCADiasoft is a member of the ITC and their flagship product, ArCADia BIM, is based on the IntelliCAD engine.

Congrats to ArCADiasoft on achieving the 20-year milestone!

Topics: IntelliCAD BIM ITC Architecture CAD Interior Design Construction ArCADiasoft

Find FRAMECAD at METALCON in North Carolina USA

FRAMECAD metalcon

October 10-12, 2018, see FRAMECAD at the METALCON tradeshow in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. They'll be at Booth 537 showing their end-to-end design and build system of cold formed steel used for rapid construction of buildings. While you're there, ask them about their H515 UL Fire Rated Assembly for cold formed steel web joist flooring systems! Get details >>

FRAMECAD is a member of the ITC and uses IntelliCAD in its build system. To see how FRAMECAD and the ITC work together, read the success story.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD FRAMECAD Construction

New Release: FRAMECAD Structure Version


FRAMECAD says that FRAMECAD Structure "offers more flexibility, enhanced integration, faster processing and additional modelling functionality."

Specifically, the new release includes:

  • IntelliCAD 8.4 engine (upgraded from version 8.1)
  • BIM modeling features for attaching an .ifc file, and filtering and snapping to IFC underlays
  • More Setting options
  • More options for modeling of windows and door openings, grid lines, and walls
  • More Build and CNC control for zone grouping and frame cloning

Get details about FRAMECAD Structure >>

To upgrade to the new release of FRAMECAD Structure, go to MyFRAMECAD.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC FRAMECAD Construction

What do IntelliCAD and Cold Formed Steel have in Common?


Answer: FRAMECAD. ITC member FRAMECAD uses IntelliCAD in its end-to-end design and build system of cold formed steel used for rapid construction of buildings.

To learn what you can do with cold formed steel and FRAMECAD:

  • Software Training in Atlanta, Georgia USA
    Two sessions during February 2018
    Get Details >>
  • Hyatt Place Westminster in Colorado USA
    Constructed in 17 Days
    Watch the Video >> (article in Spanish)

To learn how FRAMECAD benefits from the IntelliCAD engine:

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD FRAMECAD Construction

FRAMECAD Announces Training Sessions in Dubai

FRAMECAD EDM banner.png

October is the month for FRAMECAD training in Dubai, UAE. Join them in one or all of three sessions to learn basic, intermediate, and advanced techniques for using FRAMECAD Structure and Detailer to build steel gauge buildings.

FRAMECAD software is based on the IntelliCAD engine.

More training details >>

Topics: IntelliCAD CAD FRAMECAD Construction Education

See FRAMECAD this Fall


Coming to a city near you is FRAMECAD, a rapid steel framing design and build system based on IntelliCAD. Check out what the IntelliCAD engine can power at one of these expos:

For details about how FRAMECAD and IntelliCAD work together, check out the Success Story.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD FRAMECAD Construction

IntelliCAD in the Real-World: Cold Formed Steel Buildings


Start with IntelliCAD. Combine with FRAMECAD. Secure some cold formed steel and a construction site. What do you get? Watch the construction from start to finish on the FRAMECAD Blog

FRAMECAD Structure is an end-to-end design and build system used for rapid construction of buildings. To learn how FRAMECAD Structure benefits from the IntelliCAD engine, see the Case Study.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC FRAMECAD Construction

progeCAD Rates as a 2017 Best Construction Software Pick


Earlier this year, the GenieBelt blog announced their top picks for construction software. In the Design category, progeCAD—based on IntelliCAD and developed by ITC member ProgeSOFT—ranks as one of the 2017 Best Construction Software choices. 

ProgeSOFT further summarized that progeCAD is built to "help professionals in the construction industry in drawing and design of building projects as well as in technical documentation management, not forgetting significant improvements in collaboration with both team members and external clients."

For more details, see the ProgeCAD news and

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD ProgeSOFT Construction