Articles and Press Releases

IntelliCAD Technology Consortium Announces Release of IntelliCAD 10.0

IntelliCAD 10 DisplayThe IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) today announced the release of IntelliCAD 10.0.

IntelliCAD 10.0 is a major release that includes numerous new features.

The OpenGL ES graphics device is now supported for enhanced display quality and performance, which also includes new visual styles. A new materials library contains materials that can be assigned to entities and layers and then displayed with visual styles; spot and point lights can also now display in-program with visual styles. The redesigned View Manager has more options available and allows users to make selections dynamically for the view’s background, perspective, lens length, etc. New dynamic input incorporates command prompts and measurement guides at the cursor. Printing with .pc3 customization files is enhanced with the ability to set margins, page size, .pmp files, and settings that vary according to the output file type. New import file formats include .obj and .stl. Many new properties are available for various entity types in the Properties pane, including the ability to view properties of custom entities. IntelliCAD 10 also includes the ability to migrate user interface customizations from previous versions.

Smaller features that will have a big efficiency boost for end-users are the ability to re-order and sort layer filters, combine paragraphs and clear formatting of multiline text, determine which user interface items are hidden when cleaning the screen, use new videos and online resources from the Start page, convert closed entities to solids, specify a layer state for each published sheet, a redesigned status bar, enhancements for Section 508 usability, better 4K display support, and an initial Hungarian translation.

For versions of IntelliCAD that work with BIM files, draw roofs and beams, create mitered joints for beams, explode attached BIM underlays into polyface meshes and polylines that can be edited while retaining underlay functionality, and use new options for section lines and elevation lines.

For versions of IntelliCAD that open, save, and edit .dgn files in their native format, the supported command set now includes Multiline Text, Chamfer, and Dimension Styles.

For technical users, IntelliCAD 10 incorporates ODA SDKs version 2020 Update 2 and enhanced .NET and IRX functionality for increased API capabilities.

Other improvements and fixes are found in performance, working with files, editing and selecting entities, text, printing, and more.

David Lorenzo, ITC President, stated, “IntelliCAD 10 is a huge structural update with new core libraries from the ODA, a new geometry library, updated graphics, and new APIs. Yes, there are several interesting new features for users too, but the structural changes provide a much stronger foundation on which ITC members can build even more complex and diverse applications.”

An overview video of IntelliCAD 10.0 features is on YouTube at

IntelliCAD 10.0 is supported on Microsoft® Windows® 10, Windows 8, and Windows 7 64-bit versions. IntelliCAD Mobile Viewer versions are available for Windows desktop, Google® Android™, Apple® macOS® and iOS.

Interested IntelliCAD users can contact ITC members to receive details about availability of IntelliCAD software.

Companies interested in more details about IntelliCAD and membership in the ITC should contact the ITC directly. For more information about IntelliCAD and the ITC, including case studies, please visit

About the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium is an independent, non-profit organization funded and directed by its members specifically for the shared development of the IntelliCAD technology. The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium licenses the IntelliCAD technology to its commercial members, who in turn market and sell applications based on IntelliCAD to their end users. Commercial members have access to the IntelliCAD source code, documentation, developer support, and more. The ITC is also a founding member of the Open Design Alliance, thereby contributing to interoperability in the engineering industry.

For additional ITC news and information, visit the company web site ( or call 1-503-293-7655.

Topics: IntelliCAD DWG BIM ITC DGN CAD IntelliCAD 10

New Movie Available: AEC & IntelliCAD

intellicad aec

Did you know that IntelliCAD has robust AEC functionality? Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) is part of the ITC's BIM Special Interest Group, and there's a new, quick ITC tutorial available about drawing AEC entities in IntelliCAD.

Watch the 3-minute video >>

Members of the BIM Special Interest Group are shipping IntelliCAD with the ability to draw and edit walls, windows, doors, stairs, and other AEC entities, all of which are compatible with ADT objects in other CAD programs. These members also have IntelliCAD functionality to directly import and export both IFC files and Autodesk® Revit® files, and then work with the content of those files. And like all things at the ITC, members not only have these features but also have open access to the source code.

Get details about the ITC BIM Special Interest Group >>

Topics: IntelliCAD BIM ITC Architecture Construction

IntelliCAD Technology Consortium Announces Release of IntelliCAD 9.2a

Actuator CUI with Monitor

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) today announced the release of IntelliCAD 9.2a.

IntelliCAD 9.2a is a maintenance release for version 9.2 that was previously issued on August 9, 2019.

IntelliCAD maintenance releases concentrate on fixes, but IntelliCAD 9.2a includes minor new features such as customizing the selection method for using the Selection Filter pane, exporting layouts to model space of a new drawing, and selecting from new options for the Start page.

Other improvements and fixes are found in performance, working with files, editing and selecting entities, text, and printing.

David Lorenzo, ITC President, stated, “We are happy to deliver the 9.2a maintenance release for ITC members and their users as we approach the year-end celebratory season. The year 2019 marks twenty years of the ITC organization, founded on a commitment to open, not-for-profit CAD technology. This has evolved into a tight commitment to ITC members, their products, and their users, which we celebrate in every IntelliCAD release.”

IntelliCAD 9.2a is supported on Microsoft® Windows® 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista®, including 32-bit and 64-bit versions. IntelliCAD Mobile Viewer versions are available for Windows desktop, Google® Android™, Apple® macOS® and iOS.

Interested IntelliCAD users can contact ITC members to receive details about availability of IntelliCAD software.

Companies interested in more details about IntelliCAD and membership in the ITC should contact the ITC directly. For more information about IntelliCAD and the ITC, including case studies, please visit

About the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium is an independent, non-profit organization funded and directed by its members specifically for the development of the IntelliCAD technology. The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium licenses the IntelliCAD technology to its commercial members, who in turn market and sell applications based on IntelliCAD to their end users. Commercial members have access to the IntelliCAD source code, documentation, developer support, and more. The ITC is also a founding member of the Open Design Alliance, thereby contributing to interoperability in the engineering industry.

For additional ITC news and information, visit the company web site ( or call 1-503-293-7655.


New BIM Offering: ActCAD BIM!

actcad-2020-bim-boxThe all new ActCAD 2020 BIM is for users who want to draw architectural elements and work with BIM data. You can draw walls, windows, doors, roofs, steel, section and elevation lines, etc. And you can work with ADT objects, .ifc files, and .rvt/rfa files in a variety of ways. To get details including introduction videos, see ActCAD 2020 BIM.

ActCAD 2020 BIM has years of experience based on both ITC IntelliCAD and ODA BIM technologies. ActCAD 2020 BIM is based on the IntelliCAD 9.2 engine and the BIM technology available through the ITC BIM special interest group. Check it out here:

Topics: IntelliCAD BIM ITC ActCAD

ODA Continues Italy Work Tour at IntelliCAD World 2019

oda logo

logo_itc_01_DarkSeveral members of the Open Design Alliance (ODA) team arrived in southern Italy after ODA DevCon last week in Milan to give an update on ODA technologies, including Drawings, BimRv, and IFC SDKs, and also the ODA Technology Stack.

Sergey Vishnevetsky, ODA Director of Development, commented that it was great to see new ODA features already implemented in IntelliCAD. Also he was happy to report that they had been working on common properties functionality thanks to ITC requests. Common data access to all supported ODA formats includes access to both the model tree and properties. The model tree structure is still in-progress, but common properties are in production currently.


We also heard about ODA's strategic partnership with buildingSMART. This is exciting news for several reasons, one being that the ITC is in the process of transitioning to ODA IFC SDK for IntelliCAD's current IFC support. 

Topics: IntelliCAD BIM ITC IntelliCAD World Conference ODA

IntelliCAD Technology in 2019 and 2020

i-Logo 3What's been happening lately with the IntelliCAD engine? And what's next?

Here's what we learned at IntelliCAD World 2019:

  • IntelliCAD 9.1 and 9.2 were released earlier this year. We saw demos of many new features that are trending as important for ITC members: digital signatures, new architectural entities, customizable start page, system variable monitor, STEP and IGES support, Overkill command, and many more.
  • BIM solutions for IntelliCAD: attach .rvt/.rfa and .ifc files as underlays and work with BIM data. Architectural objects are already in the mix too, and soon will even be exportable to .ifc files using ODA IFC libraries.
  • IntelliCAD Mobile is gaining new ITC member interest and the Special Interest Group is growing. IntelliCAD Mobile can view and navigate various file types: drawings (.dwg, .dwt, .dxf), Design Web Format (.dwf), Open COLLADA™ (.dae), and images (.png, .jpeg, .tiff, etc.). Many new features are being developed for the next mobile version, including plans for voice recording and more measurement tools.
  • Sneak peak at IntelliCAD 10 which is in development now, based on the latest ODA libraries. Specifically we got a look at geographic locations and new visual styles that will be available by integration with OpenGL ES2. Lots of other features coming up.
  • The latest version of ARTISAN was also demonstrated by Clive Davies of Pictorex. ARTISAN is a photorealistic renderer that is integrated with IntelliCAD and available for ITC member licensing.
Topics: IntelliCAD BIM ITC Mobile Platform ARTISAN IntelliCAD World Conference

IntelliCAD Technology Consortium Announces Release of IntelliCAD 9.2

IntelliCAD 9.2

Portland, OR, USA — The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) today announced the release of IntelliCAD 9.2.

IntelliCAD 9.2 is a major release that includes many new features and improvements including: import and export IGES and STEP format files, delete and combine duplicate or overlapping entities using the Overkill command, use right-to-left fonts, choose from additional list types for multiline text, undo or redo a selected range of actions, thicken surfaces and meshes to convert them to three-dimensional solids (for IntelliCAD versions that support solids), and publish a drawing to the newly supported .dwf/.dwfx published format. You can also set up automatic publishing to create .pdf, .dwf, or .dwfx files when you save or close a drawing.

Selection includes a collection of new features. The new Selection Filter pane, similar to the Properties pane, displays all entities in a drawing and allows you to filter and select entities by layer, color, entity type, and linetype. Polygons, rectangles, and break lines have additional grips and properties for smart editing, and selection cycling is available which makes it easier to select entities that overlap.

For versions of IntelliCAD that work with BIM files, add elevation and section lines to models; draw curtain walls; draw detailing elements for wood, studs, joists, and track; and convert two-dimensional entities to walls and slabs.

For versions of IntelliCAD that open, save, and edit .dgn files in their native format, the supported command set continues to grow with 3DORBIT, ATTDEF, BASE, BROWSER, DDVPOINT, DRAWORDER, ELLIPSE, IMAGE, and IMAGEATTACH.

Technical users will also appreciate the new .NET wrappers for architectural objects.

David Lorenzo, ITC President, stated, “This second major release for 2019 provides exciting new features for our members, and continues to keep our command backlog clear so we can focus on refactoring core components with our remaining time this year.”

IntelliCAD 9.2 is supported on Microsoft® Windows® 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista®, including 32-bit and 64-bit versions. IntelliCAD Mobile Viewer versions are available for Windows desktop, Google® Android™, Apple® macOS® and iOS.

Interested IntelliCAD users can contact ITC members to receive details about availability of IntelliCAD software.

Companies interested in more details about IntelliCAD and membership in the ITC should contact the ITC directly. For more information about IntelliCAD and the ITC, including case studies, please visit

About the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium is an independent, non-profit organization funded and directed by its members specifically for the development of the IntelliCAD technology. The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium licenses the IntelliCAD technology to its commercial members, who in turn market and sell applications based on IntelliCAD to their end users. Commercial members have access to the IntelliCAD source code, documentation, developer support, and more. The ITC is also a founding member of the Open Design Alliance, thereby contributing to interoperability in the engineering industry.

For additional ITC news and information, visit the company web site ( or call 1-503-293-7655.


Just Released: progeCAD 2020 Professional


progeCAD 2020 Professional is available now with enhancements for working with IFC BIM files, tool palettes for blocks and hatches, digital signatures for .dwg files, formulas in tables, additions to 3D printing, and upgrades to working with point cloud files .rcp/.rcs, .pcg, .isd, .xyz, .ply, and .las, .laz files. And much more.

progeCAD 2020 Professional is based on the IntelliCAD 9 engine and is designed for drawing in 2D and 3D: CAD field and concept sketch, electrical schematics, building construction, AEC architectural, civil, GIS, Topography, structural, mechanical and industrial engineering, and MCAD mechanical.

Topics: IntelliCAD BIM ITC CAD ProgeSOFT GIS

IntelliCAD 9.1 Delivers More BIM

IntelliCAD 9.1 BIM Railing

IntelliCAD's BIM technology keeps growing with each IntelliCAD release. IntelliCAD 9.1, released in March 2019, includes the ability to attach version 2019 RVT/RFA format files from Autodesk® Revit® and draw more AEC entities such as stairs, railings, and steel (in addition to the existing ability to draw walls, doors, windows, and slabs).

As with previous versions of IntelliCAD that work with BIM files, you can attach and import RVT/RFA format files and IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) format files. 

IntelliCAD's BIM features are developed within a Special Interest Group (SIG) made up of ITC members who want to specifically advance IntelliCAD's BIM functionality. The BIM SIG works the same way as ITC's Mobile, DGN, and User Interface SIGs — just another way that ITC tailors its services to what their members need.

  • To learn more about the BIM Special Interest Group, see our website.
  • To learn more about the IntelliCAD 9.1 release, see the press release.
Topics: IntelliCAD BIM ITC CAD

IntelliCAD Technology Consortium Announces Release of IntelliCAD 9.1

IntelliCAD 9.1

Portland, OR, USA — The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) today announced the release of IntelliCAD 9.1.

IntelliCAD 9.1 is a major release that includes many new features and improvements.

One of the new major capabilities is attaching digital signatures to .dwg files and validating them. Another is the new Block Editor that makes it easier to create and edit blocks. One more is creating palettes that contain blocks, similar to using a stencil for easily adding shapes to a drawing. There is also a new type of selection grip for users working with schematic drawings where precise scale or sizing is not required.

More IntelliCAD 9.1 features include: print and publish drawings directly to PDF, click keywords at the command prompt, use a Start Page when the program launches, single-click to hide many user interface items at once and increase the drawing area, synchronize viewports, convert to mesh, convert to surface, show and hide edges of three-dimensional entities, view and edit system variables in the new System Variables Manager, and much more.

For versions of IntelliCAD that work with BIM files, attach version 2019 .rvt/.rfa files and draw more AEC entities such as stairs, railings, and steel.

For versions of IntelliCAD that open, save, and edit .dgn files in their native format, users can now work with solids, hatches, aligned dimensions, fill mode, and more.

David Lorenzo, ITC President, stated, “Although the 9.1 release was accomplished in about half the time of a normal IntelliCAD release cycle, it is packed with new features. The depth and breadth of the commands in this short cycle shows how the consortium is growing. This 9.1 spring release provides exciting new features for our members, and it clears much of our command backlog so we can focus on refactoring core components and select key features with our remaining time this year.”

IntelliCAD 9.1 is supported on Microsoft® Windows® 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, and Windows Vista®, including 32-bit and 64-bit versions. IntelliCAD Mobile Viewer versions are available for Windows desktop, Google Android, Apple macOS and iOS.

Interested IntelliCAD users can contact ITC members to receive details about availability of IntelliCAD software.

Companies interested in more details about IntelliCAD and membership in the ITC should contact the ITC directly. For more information about IntelliCAD and the ITC, including case studies, please visit

About the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium
The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium is an independent, non-profit organization funded and directed by its members specifically for the development of the IntelliCAD technology. The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium licenses the IntelliCAD technology to its commercial members, who in turn market and sell applications based on IntelliCAD to their end users. Commercial members have access to the IntelliCAD source code, documentation, developer support, and more. The ITC is also a founding member of the Open Design Alliance, thereby contributing to interoperability in the engineering industry.

For additional ITC news and information, visit the company web site ( or call 1-503-293-7655.