CADdirect 2023 AI versions are based on the IntelliCAD 10.1a engine. To learn more about IntelliCAD, go here.
by ITC Press, on Thu, May 05, 2022 @ 11:52 AM
CADdirect 2023 AI versions are based on the IntelliCAD 10.1a engine. To learn more about IntelliCAD, go here.
by ITC Press, on Fri, Apr 22, 2022 @ 03:39 PM
ArCADia BIM is software for building projects: architecture and communication, electrical installations, sanitary installations, and construction. Recently released ArCADia BIM 14 includes a faster data input engine, easier library management for 3D objects and surfaces, tool palettes, network licensing, and more.
ArCADia BIM is CAD software for the construction industry, supporting 2D and 3D design and is based on IntelliCAD. To learn about how ArCADiasoft and the ITC work together, see the success story. To learn about IntelliCAD's BIM platform, go here.
by ITC Press, on Wed, Apr 13, 2022 @ 04:40 PM
Carnegie Construction used the FRAMECAD system to construct a new building at Emirates Park Zoo, Abu Dhabi, UAE. The site had narrow access that restricted construction options, but the FRAMECAD system and its ability to group frames by zones helped make the project a fast success.
From the start of production, it took six employees just ten days to install all necessary frames.
FRAMECAD uses IntelliCAD in its end-to-end steel frame design and manufacturing system for rapid construction of buildings. To learn how FRAMECAD benefits from ITC membership, read the success story. To find out more about IntelliCAD's BIM technology, go here.
by ITC Press, on Wed, Mar 30, 2022 @ 01:12 PM
4M FineGREEN is energy simulation BIM software that can upgrade old and new buildings of any kind and scale according to LEED energy efficiency standards. FineGREEN uses the renowned EnergyPlus™ calculation engine sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE).
Providing the most familiar 3D BIM interface to EnergyPlus on top of IntelliCAD, FineGREEN easily determines the best energy-efficient building design solutions from the initial architectural concept through HVAC design to the entire project completion. Being at the same time 100% .dwg and IFC compatible, the program ensures close collaboration with any other BIM application, such as Autodesk® Revit®, Graphisoft® Archicad®, Allplan®, 4M's own IDEA®, etc.
by ITC Press, on Fri, Feb 25, 2022 @ 11:32 AM
Interoperability is a win for all project stakeholders when using BIM software from ACCA. With a focus on OpenBIM and the IFC file format, ACCA software users can collaborate and exchange project information, regardless of the BIM tools and applications used.
ACCA offers BIM solutions for construction management and estimating, building and structural design, presentations including AI, renewable energy, and more.
ACCA is a member of the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium and delivers several BIM and technical products based on the IntelliCAD engine. To learn more about IntelliCAD's BIM technology, go here.
by ITC Press, on Fri, Feb 11, 2022 @ 10:34 AM
FineFIRE is the BIM standard for fire fighting design; it faces projects of any kind or scale in an easy, fast and reliable way according to all the latest standards. As shown in the IntelliCAD 10.1 DevCast videos, here are project examples implemented by FineFIRE:
FineFIRE considers all the parameters of the physical and functional characteristics of a sprinkler network to support smart network modeling, identification of clashes between other MEP installations, quick exploration of alternative viable options, extraction of a Bill of Materials, and overall easy collaboration and sharing of information between designers and constructors. More specifically, FineFIRE:
And all the above coexist synergistically within an integrated BIM environment where the user can work and interact directly on the 3D building model. Details of the concept and functionality of FineFIRE is provided in the IntelliCAD 10.1 DevCast video at this link:
by ITC Press, on Fri, Oct 29, 2021 @ 05:41 AM
Did you miss the ODA conference that aired this fall? Do you want to re-watch the topics most relevant to your business? ODA Summit 2021 highlighted ODA's interoperability for CAD and BIM, presented what's beyond ODA data interoperability, showcased how their members are using ODA technology, and included a panel discussion about Scan-to-BIM.
The replays are available here:
The ITC is a founding member of the ODA. You can read about the ITC and ODA working together at the ODA Member Showcase.
by ITC Press, on Wed, Sep 29, 2021 @ 01:03 PM
AEC Magazine describes why 4M FineSANI is the tool of choice for designing water supply and sewage systems in the new Jazan Economic City (JEC) in Saudi Arabia.
FineSANI is integrated BIM software for sanitary design. It generates calculations directly from your drawings and then creates final drawings (plan views, panel diagrams, details) and the full case study documentation along with the bill of materials and costs.
4M is a member of the ITC and develops CAD and BIM software for architecture, engineering, and construction. To find out more about 4M's success with IntelliCAD, check out the success story and more about IntelliCAD's BIM technology here.
by ITC Press, on Tue, Sep 21, 2021 @ 01:32 PM
FRAMECAD® Structure 9.2.4 and FRAMECAD Revlink® 1.5.2 are available now. New features in FRAMECAD Structure include dynamic sizing for openings, point loading of girder trusses, and IFC export enhancements. FRAMECAD Revlink new features range from a new Set Panel Edge tool to label enhancements.
FRAMECAD Structure is based on the IntelliCAD engine and includes IntelliCAD's BIM technology. It is worldwide-compliant engineering software for cold-formed steel construction. To learn how FRAMECAD benefits from collaboration with the ITC, see the success story.
by ITC Press, on Thu, Aug 26, 2021 @ 11:06 AM
ActCAD 2022 BIM, Professional, and Standard versions are newly available with all the improvements found in IntelliCAD 10.1, which was released just one week ago to members of the consortium.
With products from the ActCAD suite, you can natively create and edit .dwg files for 2D drafting, 3D modeling, and BIM (Building Information Modeling). ActCAD includes global perpetual licenses and has several licensing options.
ActCAD includes several changes to IntelliCAD source code to match its requirements, which is not possible with any other OEM CAD engine. To learn more about OEM options using the IntelliCAD engine, go here. To learn about how ActCAD benefits from membership in the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium, see the success story.
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IntelliCAD Technology Consortium
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