Articles and Press Releases

See FRAMECAD this week at International Builders' Show



In Las Vegas for NAHB International Builders' Show? Stop by and see FRAMECAD at booth #SU3039 in South Hall to see how they use IntelliCAD in their steel frame design and build systems!International Builders Show
February 25-27, 2025
South Hall, Booth SU3039
Las Vegas, NV, USA

For more details and to book a meeting for the show, go to

FRAMECAD uses IntelliCAD in its end-to-end steel frame design and manufacturing system for rapid construction of buildings. To learn how FRAMECAD benefits from ITC membership, read the success story. To find out more about IntelliCAD's BIM technology, go here.

Topics: IntelliCAD DWG BIM ITC CAD FRAMECAD Construction

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium Announces IntelliCAD® 13.1

IntelliCAD 13.1 screen shot: 3D Positioner

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) today announced the release of IntelliCAD 13.1.

IntelliCAD 13.1 is a major release that includes performance improvements and new features, with a focus on enhanced reporting capabilities using the Extract Data command. Extracting data is completely refactored for improved performance and additional reporting on drawing properties (such as file size, path, etc.), drawing system variables, and the number of entities in drawings. Users can customize reports before they’re created with more options and now easily update linked report tables in drawings.

Other new features include customizing user interface elements for running and one-time entity snaps, printing to PNG files with transparent backgrounds, using an additional interactive dialog to precisely move and rotate entities with the 3D Positioner command, selecting from new options for the Trim and Extend commands, cloning additional entity types with the Clone command, and restoring hidden program messages individually.

Additionally, LISP and IcARX APIs include enhanced compatibility and improved performance.

For IntelliCAD versions that support working with BIM files: create architectural spaces using the Spaces command, and infill AEC entities when using the Section Plane command.

For IntelliCAD versions that support editing and creation of .dgn files in their native format: draw with the Polygon command, use the clip option of the Define View command, and manage named views from the command line using the -VIEW command.

For technical users, IntelliCAD 13.1 uses ODA SDKs version 2024.12. IntelliCAD IcARX continues to be a pre-release version for members and is highly compatible with AutoCAD® ObjectARX, allowing ITC members to build applications with a single code base that runs on both platforms.

David Lorenzo, ITC President, stated, “I’m pleased we’re delivering another new pack of features and fixes to ITC members before year-end. I’m especially excited about how we transformed traditional reporting into power reporting by adding the ability to extract internal drawing data for troubleshooting and discovery in large drawing sets. Another key specialty area for IntelliCAD 13.1 is entity snaps. We worked with members to fine-tune when and where entity snaps are available in the program, and the result is a customizable interface to meet the needs of long-time users, new users, and users who are familiar with other CAD applications.”

IntelliCAD 13.1 is supported on Microsoft® Windows® 11, Windows 10, and Windows 8 64-bit versions. IntelliCAD Mobile Viewer versions are available for Windows desktop, Google® Android™, Apple® macOS® and iOS.

Interested IntelliCAD users can contact ITC members to receive details about availability of IntelliCAD software.

Companies interested in more details about IntelliCAD and membership in the ITC should contact the ITC directly. For more information about IntelliCAD and the ITC, including case studies, please visit

About the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium is an independent, non-profit organization funded and directed by its members specifically for the development of the IntelliCAD technology. The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium licenses the IntelliCAD technology to its commercial members, who in turn market and sell applications based on IntelliCAD to their end users. Commercial members have access to the IntelliCAD source code, documentation, developer support, and more. The ITC is also a founding member of the Open Design Alliance, thereby contributing to interoperability in the engineering industry.

For additional ITC news and information, visit the company website ( or call 1-503-293-7655.


Introducing FRAMECAD Nexa


BIM just got easier for cold-formed steel projects. Introducing FRAMECAD Nexa, a new product from ITC member FRAMECAD.

Nexa provides quality control, capacity management, and real-time project data that delivers complete visibility and control of operations. And it works with production-ready manufacturing files regardless of design software. No time-consuming file conversions required.

FRAMECAD uses IntelliCAD in its end-to-end steel frame design and manufacturing system for rapid construction of buildings. To learn how FRAMECAD benefits from collaboration with the ITC, see the success story. To find out more about IntelliCAD's BIM technology, go here.

Topics: IntelliCAD DWG BIM ITC CAD FRAMECAD Construction

See ACCA at BIM World Munich in Person or Online


Headed to BIM World Munich in Germany? ACCA is there today and tomorrow, November 26-27, 2024. You can check out their booth and hear them present on one of the main stages. You can also tune in online.

ACCA delivers software designed for architectural design, structural engineering, analyzing and calculating, energy performance analysis, quantitative studies, site health and safety, and maintenance and management of BIM processes.

ACCA is a member of the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium and delivers several BIM and technical products based on the IntelliCAD engine. To learn more about IntelliCAD's BIM technology, go here.

Topics: IntelliCAD DWG BIM ITC ACCA CAD Construction

CMS President and ITC Chairman Vitor Neves Receives International Award

cms vitor award

Congratulations to Vitor Neves, CMS President, Chairman of the ITC, and recent award recipient from the Portuguese Order of Engineers. Mr. Neves was honored with the "Internationalization Award – Portuguese Engineer Abroad" award, which recognizes excellence in engineering both within Portugal and on a global scale, contributing to progress and well-being worldwide. cms vitor award photoA mechanical engineering innovator, Mr. Neves holds several US patents, and here at the ITC, we benefit greatly from his contributions to engineering and CAD. 

As Chairman of the ITC Board of Directors, Mr. Neves plays a key role in leading the ITC and its development of the IntelliCAD platform. While there are many CAD development platforms, IntelliCAD is the most trusted, thanks in part to collaborations with exceptional individuals like Mr. Neves. To learn more about how CMS and the ITC work together, see the success story.


See ACCA at Basque Tech Summit

acca basque tech summit 2024

Headed to the Basque Tech Summit in Donostia, Spain October 25-26? While you're there collaborating on all things BIM, make sure to see ACCA presenting on openBIM, geospatial digital twins, and smart cities.

ACCA delivers software designed for architectural design, structural engineering, analyzing and calculating, energy performance analysis, quantitative studies, site health and safety, and maintenance and management of BIM processes.

ACCA is a member of the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium and delivers several BIM and technical products based on the IntelliCAD engine. To learn more about IntelliCAD's BIM technology, go here.

Topics: IntelliCAD DWG BIM ITC ACCA CAD Construction

See FRAMECAD at a Tradeshow this Fall 2024



Check out FRAMECAD at an upcoming tradeshow this fall to learn how they use IntelliCAD in their steel frame design and build systems.

  • Big 5 Construct Nigeria
    September 24-26, 2024
    Lagos, Nigeria
  • Jeddah Construct
    September 29 - October 1, 2024
    Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
  • Expo CIHAC
    October 9-11, 2024
    Mexico City, Mexico
  • LATAM Steel Frame Congress
    October 24-25, 2024
    São Paulo, Brazil
  • Metalcon
    October 31 - November 1, 2024
    Atlanta, Georgia

For more details and to book a meeting for a show, go to

FRAMECAD uses IntelliCAD in its end-to-end steel frame design and manufacturing system for rapid construction of buildings. To learn how FRAMECAD benefits from ITC membership, read the success story. To find out more about IntelliCAD's BIM technology, go here.

Topics: IntelliCAD DWG BIM ITC CAD FRAMECAD Construction

Just Released: CMS IntelliCAD 13


CMS IntelliCAD 13.0 includes performance improvements, an all-new Options dialog, multiple built-in calculators, lookup tables for advanced blocks, and data extraction for more entities. LISP is completely refactored to improve performance and increase compatibility with other CAD applications. Other new features include Flatshot, Solid Profile, Make Shape, Compile to SHX, Make Linetype, and more.
For CMS IntelliCAD 13.0 PE PLUS licenses that include Spatial® Technology ACIS® modeler, use the following commands to work with surfaces: Network, Offset, Fillet, Extend, and Trim.

All CMS IntelliCAD versions support working with BIM files and include these new features: extract data from BIM files, validate IFC files, convert RVT to IFC, draw corner windows, dimension AEC entities, manage layers for IFC underlays, and attach railings to stair segments. You can also define styles for new elements such as roof slabs, dimensions, structural members, and more.

CMS IntelliCAD versions can be purchased with a perpetual or subscription license and can include a USB dongle for portable licensing. New users can try a free trial at

CMS IntelliCAD 13.0 is based on the IntelliCAD 13.0 engine. For details about IntelliCAD's native .dwg support and development platform, go here. For details about how CMS and the ITC work together, see the success story.


ActCAD 2025 Product Suite Available Now


Just released: ActCAD 2025 Premium, Standard, and Map Drafter. Included are a wide range of new features: create 2D representations of 3D entities; generate profiles of 3D solids; make shape and linetype definition files; create network surfaces; offset, fillet, extend, and trim surfaces; use more advanced block features, get enhanced 3Dconnexion mouse connectivity, create area-based text annotations, convert polylines to more types, cut with a base point, and so much more.ActCAD 2025 Premium also includes new BIM features such as validating IFC files, converting RVT/RFA files to IFC files, dimensioning AEC entities, defining more AEC styles, managing layers of IFC underlays, and drawing corner windows.

With products from the ActCAD suite, you can natively create and edit .dwg files for 2D drafting, 3D modeling, BIM (Building Information Modeling), and map digitization projects. ActCAD includes global perpetual licenses and has several licensing options.

ActCAD 2025 is based on the IntelliCAD 13 engine. The ActCAD release includes custom changes to IntelliCAD source code to match its requirements, which is not possible with any other OEM CAD engine. To learn more about OEM options using the IntelliCAD engine, go here. To learn about how ActCAD benefits from membership in the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium, see the success story.

Topics: IntelliCAD DWG BIM ITC ActCAD CAD Mapping

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium Announces IntelliCAD® 13.0

IntelliCAD 13 Screen 2

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) today announced the release of IntelliCAD 13.0.

IntelliCAD 13.0 is a major release that includes performance improvements and new features, including a new Options dialog which is highly compatible with other CAD applications, calculators for evaluating expressions and converting units of measurement, lookup tables and the ability to reset advanced blocks, and digital signatures for .dwfx files. When creating reports, extract data from external references, advanced blocks, attributes, and AEC entities; extract from .dgn, .ifc, .rvt, and .rfa files if supported; and filter data to meet conditions.

LISP is completely refactored to improve performance and increase compatibility with other CAD applications. Other new features include Flatshot, Solid Profile, Make Shape, Compile to SHX, and Make Linetype, and more.

For program versions that include Spatial® Technology ACIS® modeler, use the following commands to work with surfaces: Network, Offset, Fillet, Extend, and Trim.

For IntelliCAD versions that support working with BIM files: use the IFC Validate, RVT to IFC, and Corner Window commands; dimension AEC entities; manage layers for .ifc underlays; define styles for new elements such as roof slabs, dimensions, structural members, and more; and attach railings to stair segments.

For IntelliCAD versions that support editing and creation of .dgn files in their native format: use the BMP Out, Undelete, and Copy Nested Entities commands; use the Parallel entity snap; highlight entities; and use the Explorer command with views, external references, blocks, and layer filters.

For technical users, IntelliCAD 13.0 uses ODA SDKs version 2024.12. IntelliCAD IcARX continues to be a pre-release version for members and is highly compatible with AutoCAD® Object ARX, allowing ITC members to build applications with a single code base that runs on both platforms.

David Lorenzo, ITC President, stated “IntelliCAD 13.0 brings significant performance improvements and new features that our members have been eagerly anticipating. We are especially excited about its enhanced compatibility with other CAD applications in two key areas. The new Options dialog simplifies the user experience for those familiar with other CAD software, and the refactored LISP API provides a foundation for improved compatibility moving forward, greatly reducing LISP development time when working with multiple CAD platforms.”

IntelliCAD 13.0 is supported on Microsoft® Windows® 11, Windows 10, and Windows 8 64-bit versions. IntelliCAD Mobile Viewer versions are available for Windows desktop, Google® Android™, Apple® macOS® and iOS.

Interested IntelliCAD users can contact ITC members to receive details about availability of IntelliCAD software.

Companies interested in more details about IntelliCAD and membership in the ITC should contact the ITC directly. For more information about IntelliCAD and the ITC, including case studies, please visit

About the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium is an independent, non-profit organization funded and directed by its members specifically for the development of the IntelliCAD technology. The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium licenses the IntelliCAD technology to its commercial members, who in turn market and sell applications based on IntelliCAD to their end users. Commercial members have access to the IntelliCAD source code, documentation, developer support, and more. The ITC is also a founding member of the Open Design Alliance, thereby contributing to interoperability in the engineering industry.

For additional ITC news and information, visit the company website ( or call 1-503-293-7655.