Articles and Press Releases

ITC Announces Release of IntelliCAD® 7.1a

Portland, OR, USA, January 31, 2012 — The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) today announced the release of IntelliCAD 7.1a.

IntelliCAD 7.1a is a maintenance release that contains over 250 fixes and performance improvements to areas required by members and their users since the IntelliCAD 7.1 release in November 2011.

Interested IntelliCAD users can contact ITC members to receive details about availability of IntelliCAD software.

Companies interested in more details about IntelliCAD and membership in the ITC should contact the ITC directly. For more information about IntelliCAD and the ITC, including case studies, please visit

About the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium licenses the IntelliCAD technology to its commercial members, who in turn market and sell applications based on IntelliCAD to their end users. The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium is an independent organization of software developers established specifically for the development of the IntelliCAD technology. Commercial members have access to the IntelliCAD source code, documentation, developer support, and more. The ITC is also a founding member of the Open Design Alliance, thereby contributing to interoperability in the engineering industry.

For additional ITC news and information, visit the company web site ( or call 1-503-293-7655.

IntelliCAD is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium.

Contact Information

IntelliCAD Technology Consortium
10260 SW Greenburg Rd. Suite 400
Portland, OR 97223
United States
Tel: +1 503 293 7655

Topics: IntelliCAD DWG IntelliCAD® 7 CAD Platform ITC

PriMus-CAD Released

PriMus-CAD is the professional 2D/3D CAD system for drawing with the full power of a CAD system and obtaining a detailed Bill of Quantities of the project. The BoQ can be generated from a .dwg file created with PriMus-CAD, from a pre-existing .dwg or .dxf file, or from a raster image (.tif, .jpg, etc.).

PriMus-CAD is based on IntelliCAD 7 technology.

CAD Features

  • Work with 2D and 3D .dwg file drawings
  • Draw common drawing entities easily by using the classic 2D and 3D CAD commands (for example: lines, polylines, arcs, circles, blocks, hatches, splines, 3D poylines, meshes, face, 3D face solids)
  • Use the same interface and keyboard commands as other well-known professional CAD solutions
  • Save native .dwg files that can be opened and managed by other CAD solutions
  • Save and open files of Autodesk® AutoCAD® DWG™ format (release 11/12 to release 2010) and DXF format (release 2.5 to release 2010)
  • Open .dwg files created and saved with AutoCAD 2012
  • Complete compatibility with AutoCAD commands “line”, “menu” (.mnu) and script files (.scr), hatches, fonts, and true type fonts
  • Manage complex linetypes
  • Multiline text
  • Audit features Check and Recover
  • Visual customization of menus and toolbars
  • Image reading of BMP, GIF, JPG, TIF formats from within the .dwg file
  • Export to WMF, EMF and SLD (slides) file format
  • Simultaneous management and editing of multiple drawings
  • Layouts, blocks, linetypes, etc. exploration and management (also across multiple drawings)
  • Raster image management

Bill of Quantity features are active for project files created with PriMus-CAD and .dwg drawing files created with other CAD systems.

Bill of Quantity Features

With PriMus-CAD, each entity (line, polyline...) can represent a measurable entity.
The graphical entity can represent different meanings in relation to the kind of detail or project that the designer is drawing (architectural, road, drainage, etc.); for example, a line can even stand for various types of walls, pavements, roads, drainage, etc.

For each of these drawn entities, the CAD system is capable of returning automatically all metric data used for dynamically obtaining the Bill of Quantities, completely integrated within the program interface.

PriMus-CAD is equipped with advanced filters that allow the user to verify the correct correspondences between the drawing entities (lines, arcs, etc.) and the BoQ.

Furthermore, with PriMus-CAD it is also possible to check the correspondence between the drawn entity and the measurement rows contained with the BoQ; by selecting the measurement row in the BoQ section, the corresponding graphical entity is also selected in the drawing. Any editing of the drawing causes a dynamic updating of the Bill of Quantities. The obtained BoQ can then be saved in the DCF format and managed with PriMus, PriMus-P or PriMus-DCF.

All of the information contained in the drawing (drawing entities and Quantity data) is saved within a single .dwg file. The .dwg file, generated in such manner, can then be managed with any other software compatible with the DWG format; only if opened with PriMus-CAD can the Bill of Quantities information be managed and viewed.

For more information about PriMus-CAD, please email or go to

Companies interested in more details about IntelliCAD and membership in the ITC should contact the ITC directly. For more information about IntelliCAD and the ITC, including case studies, please visit


Topics: DWG IntelliCAD® 7 CAD Platform ITC Bill of Quantity raster image

IntelliCAD Technology Consortium Announces Release of IntelliCAD® 7.1

Portland, OR, USA, November 11, 2011 — The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) today announced the release of IntelliCAD 7.1.

IntelliCAD 7.1 is a maintenance release that contains many improvements since the IntelliCAD 7.0b release in August, while also including performance enhancements throughout in areas such as printing, zooming, multiline text, and .pdf file export. IntelliCAD 7.1 also supports new features: attach .dgn files, drag-and-drop layouts between drawings, invert image clips (raster image support is available in Professional versions), and more.

IntelliCAD 7.1 integrates Open Design Alliance Teigha® version 3.4.1 released earlier this year.

David Lorenzo, ITC Development Director commented, “With the release of IntelliCAD 7.1, the ITC has shown that the new architecture allows us to more easily incorporate ODA Teigha updates. In addition, our quick updates in the 7 series are keeping pace with fixes and features required by both ITC members and their industry users."

Interested IntelliCAD users can contact ITC members to receive details about availability of IntelliCAD software.

Companies interested in more details about IntelliCAD and membership in the ITC should contact the ITC directly. For more information about IntelliCAD and the ITC, including case studies, please visit

About the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium
The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium licenses the IntelliCAD technology to its commercial members, who in turn market and sell applications based on IntelliCAD to their end users. The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium is an independent organization of software developers established specifically for the development of the IntelliCAD technology. Commercial members have access to the IntelliCAD source code, documentation, developer support, and more. The ITC is also a founding member of the Open Design Alliance, thereby contributing to interoperability in the engineering industry.

For additional ITC news and information, visit the company web site ( or call 1-503-293-7655.

IntelliCAD is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium.

Contact Information
IntelliCAD Technology Consortium
10260 SW Greenburg Rd. Suite 400
Portland, OR 97223
United States
Tel: +1 503 293 7655


Topics: New IntelliCAD DWG IntelliCAD® 7 CAD Platform ITC DGN

IntelliCAD Technology Consortium Announces Release of IntelliCAD® 7.0b

Portland, OR, USA, August 26, 2011 — The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) today announced the release of IntelliCAD 7.0b.

IntelliCAD 7.0b is a maintenance release that contains numerous improvements to areas required by members and their users since the IntelliCAD 7.0a release in July.

Interested IntelliCAD users can contact ITC members to receive details about availability of IntelliCAD software.

Companies interested in more details about IntelliCAD and membership in the ITC should contact the ITC directly. For more information about IntelliCAD and the ITC, including case studies, please visit

About the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium licenses the IntelliCAD technology to its commercial members, who in turn market and sell applications based on IntelliCAD to their end users. The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium is an independent organization of software developers established specifically for the development of the IntelliCAD technology. Commercial members have access to the IntelliCAD source code, documentation, developer support, and more. The ITC is also a founding member of the Open Design Alliance, thereby contributing to interoperability in the engineering industry.

For additional ITC news and information, visit the company web site ( or call 1-503-293-7655.

IntelliCAD is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium.

Contact Information

IntelliCAD Technology Consortium
10260 SW Greenburg Rd. Suite 400
Portland, OR 97223
United States
Tel: +1 503 293 7655

Topics: New IntelliCAD IntelliCAD DWG IntelliCAD® 7 ITC

Official CMS IntelliCAD 7 Released

Burleson, Texas, USA. CMS, Inc. released CMS IntelliCAD® 7.
For more details, see

Topics: New IntelliCAD IntelliCAD DWG CMS IntelliCAD® 7

Autodsys Releases IntelliCAD 7 Standard

Portland, Oregon — Autodsys, Inc. released IntelliCAD 7 Standard. For more information, see the news at

Topics: New IntelliCAD IntelliCAD DWG IntelliCAD® 7

IntelliCAD Technology Consortium Announces Release of IntelliCAD® 7.0a

Portland, OR, USA, July 26, 2011 — The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) today announced the release of IntelliCAD 7.0a.

IntelliCAD 7.0a is a maintenance release that contains numerous improvements to areas required by members and their users since the IntelliCAD 7 release in June. Version 7.0a includes general performance enhancements, and improvements to the PC3 printer configuration interface, attributes, entity editing, and many other areas.

When asked about the quick release of IntelliCAD 7.0a, Dave Lorenzo, ITC Development Director, explained, “We now have agile processes in place that allow us to quickly add new features and critical fixes while maintaining stable, releasable builds. In addition, the IntelliCAD architecture was redesigned for quick ODA updates. I expect IntelliCAD 7.1 based on a newer ODA Teigha platform will be released in early fall.”

Interested IntelliCAD users can contact ITC members to receive details about availability of IntelliCAD software.

Companies interested in more details about IntelliCAD and membership in the ITC should contact the ITC directly. For more information about IntelliCAD and the ITC, including case studies, please visit

About the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium
The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium licenses the IntelliCAD technology to its commercial members, who in turn market and sell applications based on IntelliCAD to their end users. The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium is an independent organization of software developers established specifically for the development of the IntelliCAD technology. Commercial members have access to the IntelliCAD source code, documentation, developer support, and more. The ITC is also a founding member of the Open Design Alliance, thereby contributing to interoperability in the engineering industry.

For additional ITC news and information, visit the company web site ( or call 1-503-293-7655.

IntelliCAD is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium.

Contact Information
IntelliCAD Technology Consortium
10260 SW Greenburg Rd. Suite 400
Portland, OR 97223
United States
Tel: +1 503 293 7655

Topics: New IntelliCAD IntelliCAD IntelliCAD® 7 ITC

IntelliCAD Technology Consortium Announces Release of IntelliCAD® 7

Portland, OR, USA, June 10, 2011 — The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) today announced the much anticipated release of IntelliCAD 7.

IntelliCAD 7 represents the culmination of a fundamental overhaul of the entire IntelliCAD code base undertaken by the ITC and its member companies. It incorporates a complete, new architecture based on and synchronized with the development platform from the Open Design Alliance, another member-driven, nonprofit organization of over 1,000 software developers in 40 countries.

IntelliCAD 7 is a 2D and 3D computer-aided-design (CAD) platform for software companies designing and distributing products for engineers, architects, designers, and drafters. In addition to CAD commands and features that users are accustomed to, IntelliCAD provides compatibility with Autodesk® DWG™ format and also exposes a powerful development environment with new support for custom objects. The IntelliCAD platform is an open alternative to closed, single vendor controlled CAD platforms, and is designed to offer the best combination of performance, security, and value to both member companies and their customers.

Dave Lorenzo, ITC Development Director, stated, “It's exciting to achieve this major milestone, our members and developers are looking forward to leveraging our new platform to advance development.” Mr. Lorenzo added, “The significance of the IntelliCAD 7 release is in its long-awaited delivery, but equally important is its indication about the ITC as an organization. Built on a foundation of member companies committed to an open CAD platform, the ITC is positioned for the long-term success of its members, their solutions, and their end users.”

Interested IntelliCAD users can contact ITC members to receive details about availability of IntelliCAD 7 software.

Companies interested in more details about IntelliCAD 7 and membership in the ITC should contact the ITC directly. For more information about IntelliCAD and the ITC, including case studies, please visit

About the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium licenses the IntelliCAD technology to its commercial members, who in turn market and sell applications based on IntelliCAD to their end users. The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium is an independent organization of software developers established specifically for the development of the IntelliCAD technology. Commercial members have access to the IntelliCAD source code, documentation, developer support, and more. For additional ITC news and information, visit the company web site ( or call 1-503-293-7655.

IntelliCAD is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium.

Contact Information
IntelliCAD Technology Consortium
10260 SW Greenburg Rd. Suite 400
Portland, OR 97223
United States
Tel: +1 503 293 7655


Topics: New IntelliCAD IntelliCAD IntelliCAD® 7 CAD Platform ITC

ITC Announces Launch of IntelliCAD® 7 Public Beta User Registration

Portland, OR, USA, March 23, 2011 — The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium (ITC) today announced the beginning of IntelliCAD 7 Public Beta user registration. Interested IntelliCAD users can contact ITC members to receive details about the Beta program and about using the much anticipated IntelliCAD 7 software. Previous Beta versions were available only to ITC members.

IntelliCAD 7 represents the culmination of a fundamental overhaul of the entire IntelliCAD code base undertaken by the ITC and its membership. It incorporates a complete new architecture based on and synchronized with the latest Teigha® software development platform from the Open Design Alliance, another member-driven, nonprofit organization of over 1,000 software developers in 40 countries.

There has been much industry speculation as to the current status of the ITC and IntelliCAD 7 in particular since IntelliCAD 7 was first announced. Although the ITC and this project have been negatively impacted by unforeseen factors, ITC membership remains strong and stands exceptionally committed to its mission of perpetuating IntelliCAD as the CAD platform that offers the best combination of performance, security, and value to both member companies and their customers.

Darcy Detlor, President of MicroSurvey Software, Inc. and Treasurer of the ITC, stated, “Despite the recent global economic slowdown, the ITC membership has continued to sustain the ITC and the IntelliCAD 7 effort unabated. There have been no technical staff reductions, and the current membership continues to generate adequate revenue levels to maintain the organization in its current form. Together with recent rule changes and significant increased participation of management and technical resources from member companies, we fully expect IntelliCAD 7 products to become available in retail form to end users during 2011. Looking forward, we expect the widespread acceptance of these solutions to attract additional members and further strengthen and diversify the Consortium in its goal of providing an open and unique alternative to traditional closed, single vendor controlled CAD products and platforms.”

Bruce Carlson, President of Carlson Software, stated, “We are already porting our own solutions of over 2 million lines of source code and 500 LISP routines to run on IntelliCAD 7. The public Beta program allows us to further advance our own solutions before real-world use by Carlson customers.”

Users of products based on IntelliCAD who are interested in participating in the IntelliCAD 7 Beta program should contact ITC member companies to coordinate details.

Companies interested in more details about IntelliCAD 7 and membership in the ITC should contact the ITC directly. For more information about IntelliCAD and the ITC, including case studies, please visit

About the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium licenses the IntelliCAD technology to its commercial members, who in turn market and sell applications based on IntelliCAD to their end users. The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium is an independent organization of software developers established specifically for the development of the IntelliCAD technology. Commercial members have access to the IntelliCAD source code, documentation, developer support, and more. For additional ITC news and information, visit the company web site ( or call 1-503-293-7655.

IntelliCAD is registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium.

About Carlson Software

Carlson Software, an independent company founded in 1983, develops software solutions to bring land development professionals from concept to completion. The 25-year-old company is known for its civil, surveying, machine control and positioning, plus mining software solutions. For more details, visit the company’s web site at

About MicroSurvey

MicroSurvey Software Inc. has been developing software and hardware solutions for surveying and mapping for over twenty years.

MicroSurvey Software is a two-time winner of PROFIT Magazine's 100 Fastest Growing Companies and a winner of Deloitte Technology's Fast 500. For more details, visit the company’s web site at

Topics: New IntelliCAD ITC Carlson Software Microsurvey IntelliCAD® 7.0 Beta

ITC member CMS, Inc. delivers CMS IntelliCAD in the cloud

CAD Manufacturing Systems, Inc. (CMS) announces CMS IntelliCAD Standard available and operating remotely while end-users work from a local computer. The in-cloud version recognizes the need for file security by not requiring drawing file uploads, and boosts performance by loading only necessary software modules upon startup and loading additional features on-demand.

For more details, see

Topics: IntelliCAD CMS ITC