Articles and Press Releases

ArCADiasoft Celebrates 20 Years


ArCADiasoft is celebrating 20 years of creating construction applications that range from structural design to interior and installation design to energy performance of building calculations to building surroundings design. Over the years they have produced more than 100 products for architects and engineers. 

ArCADiasoft is a member of the ITC and their flagship product, ArCADia BIM, is based on the IntelliCAD engine.

Congrats to ArCADiasoft on achieving the 20-year milestone!

Topics: IntelliCAD BIM ITC Architecture CAD Interior Design Construction ArCADiasoft

Watch: IntelliCAD World 2018 Videos

 Prague Slide 4

What was IntelliCAD World 2018? For those who weren't in Prague, Czech Republic at the conference, watch to find out:

From keynotes to new features to member technologies based on IntelliCAD, you'll see it all. We know that plenty of people who attended will want to experience again too.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC IntelliCAD World Conference

ActCAD Awards: Rising Star and Great User Experience



ActCAD software recently received two awards from FinancesOnline: Rising Star and Great User Experience. ActCAD also ranked at the top of their list for architecture software.

ActCAD is 2D drafting and 3D modeling CAD software based on the IntelliCAD engine. Engineers, architects, and technical consultants use it to create and edit .dwg and .dxf drawings in their native file formats. 

To learn more about the awards, see the news.

To learn more about ActCAD features, see the product website.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC ActCAD CAD

Watch: IntelliCAD Product Videos


IntelliCAD platform

IntelliCAD features and improvements are detailed in videos recently released by the ITC. Watch to see what's included in these IntelliCAD versions:


Topics: IntelliCAD ITC

New Carlson 2019 Releases, Including DGN


Carlson Software recently released version 2019 of its product suite including Carlson Mining, Carlson Survey, and Carlson Civil/Hydrology/GIS. Carlson products come with IntelliCAD built-in and an option for their end-users to purchase Autodesk® AutoCAD® separately if desired. 


As expected, new features are found throughout the Carlson product line. Special mention goes to working natively with both .dwg and .dgn files. Open, save, print, and edit all with one CAD editor thanks to the IntelliCAD 9.0 engine.

For more details from Carlson, see:

Topics: IntelliCAD DWG DGN Survey Civil Carlson Software CAD

ZWSOFT Celebrates 20 Years


This year ZWSOFT celebrates 20 years of making CAD solutions for designers and engineers worldwide. ZWSOFT is a member of the ITC and their flagship product, ZWCAD, is based on the IntelliCAD engine.

In the words of Daniel Huang, ZWCAD Product Manager:

We have really made ZWCAD from good to great...”

Congrats to ZWSOFT as they celebrate 20 years!

Go to ZWSOFT and ZWCAD >>

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD ZWCAD

Find FRAMECAD at METALCON in North Carolina USA

FRAMECAD metalcon

October 10-12, 2018, see FRAMECAD at the METALCON tradeshow in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA. They'll be at Booth 537 showing their end-to-end design and build system of cold formed steel used for rapid construction of buildings. While you're there, ask them about their H515 UL Fire Rated Assembly for cold formed steel web joist flooring systems! Get details >>

FRAMECAD is a member of the ITC and uses IntelliCAD in its build system. To see how FRAMECAD and the ITC work together, read the success story.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD FRAMECAD Construction

Watch: What is the ITC?


itc backgrnd

The question "What is the ITC?" is answered in a new video describing exactly what the organization is: A non-profit, member directed cooperative that develops a CAD platform.

It's a unique group and business model within the CAD industry. Check it out! Watch now >>

ZWCAD 2019 Released

zwcad 2019

Create amazing things with ZWCAD 2019, released earlier this summer. ZWCAD 2019 includes features for working with dynamic blocks, PDF underlays, annotative objects, custom color schemes, and more. 

ZWCAD is a .dwg-compatible CAD solution available in 15 languages for worldwide designers and engineers in various industries such as AEC and MFG. It is built by ITC member ZWSOFT and is based on the IntelliCAD engine. 

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC CAD ZWCAD

ActCAD at IndExpo 2018

actcad ind_expo1

ActCAD was recently exhibited at IndExpo in Hyderabad, India. Over 500 visitors saw ActCAD products in action, including demos and introductions to features and ease-of-use. 

actcad ind_expo2

ActCAD is 2D drafting and 3D modeling software built with the IntelliCAD engine and has the CAD features you'd expect while being lightweight and fast. It also comes with a self transferring licence (not a subscription license) and is available worldwide.



Topics: IntelliCAD ITC ActCAD