Articles and Press Releases

CMS President and ITC Chairman Vitor Neves Receives International Award

cms vitor award

Congratulations to Vitor Neves, CMS President, Chairman of the ITC, and recent award recipient from the Portuguese Order of Engineers. Mr. Neves was honored with the "Internationalization Award – Portuguese Engineer Abroad" award, which recognizes excellence in engineering both within Portugal and on a global scale, contributing to progress and well-being worldwide. cms vitor award photoA mechanical engineering innovator, Mr. Neves holds several US patents, and here at the ITC, we benefit greatly from his contributions to engineering and CAD. 

As Chairman of the ITC Board of Directors, Mr. Neves plays a key role in leading the ITC and its development of the IntelliCAD platform. While there are many CAD development platforms, IntelliCAD is the most trusted, thanks in part to collaborations with exceptional individuals like Mr. Neves. To learn more about how CMS and the ITC work together, see the success story.