Articles and Press Releases

ITC: The Competitive No-Compete Company

iw2017keynote.pngDay 2 of IntelliCAD World 2017 opened with remarks from David Lorenzo, ITC President. He explained that at its core, the ITC works for its members and does not compete with them. Ever.

Indeed it's a unique position: a competitive no-compete company.

So when CAD companies look for a CAD platform on which to base their development, IntelliCAD is competitive in the CAD platform arena. And when those same CAD companies look for a CAD partner on which to base their businesses, the ITC is the partner that can't be beat — it doesn't compete with member companies or products. So the ITC moves forward with its members, who are the people and companies who define that future.

As Dave put it towards the end of his keynote this morning, “We are very different. And that’s a good thing.”

Topics: IntelliCAD IntelliCAD World Conference