Articles and Press Releases

Special Thanks to ITC Members for IntelliCAD World 2019

i-Logo 2Many thanks go to ITC member ACCA Software who hosted this year's IntelliCAD World 2019. ITC employees, members, and CAD professionals gathered at ACCA headquarters in Bagnoli Irpino, Italy to exchange ideas, share strategies, and discuss future trends. From coordination and transportation to an exclusive tour of historical sites, it's clear that ACCA does everything with flawless care and enthusiasm.

ACCA specializes in BIM solutions that include architecture, engineering, and construction components and are especially designed for users who want freedom of collaboration and full data availability. Several of their products are based on IntelliCAD. For more details about ACCA Software, go to:

Additional thanks go to each ITC member who presented their solutions based on IntelliCAD and ideas for the future:

The IntelliCAD Technology Consortium thanks all ITC members for their collaboration and for advancing CAD technology based on an open platform, for the additional benefit of generations to come.

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC ACCA IntelliCAD World Meeting Carlson Software Microsurvey FRAMECAD Wrightsoft

Watch: IntelliCAD World 2019 Videos

IW 2019 Slide 2

What was happening at IntelliCAD World 2019? For those who weren't in southern Italy at the conference, watch to find out:

Topics include history of how the ITC started; it's been 20 years! And visions for the future, new features, and member technologies based on IntelliCAD. 

Topics: IntelliCAD ITC IntelliCAD World Conference

IntelliCAD User Guides Available for Download

IntelliCAD book cover.jpgDevelopers who are taking an initial look at various CAD platforms can find it helpful to see user interfaces and what they're capable of. One option for finding out more about IntelliCAD is to take a look at the Using IntelliCAD guide available at for a small $5.00 fee.

Using IntelliCAD describes how to use IntelliCAD to draw in 2D and 3D, view drawings, dimension entities, work with layers, insert blocks and external references, add custom programs, and everything else you expect from a CAD program.

ITC members of course receive source files and output for the IntelliCAD user guides and other documentation as part of their ITC membership. ITC member products are the best place to get IntelliCAD documentation.

Questions? Contact the ITC.


Topics: IntelliCAD ITC Membership