Articles and Press Releases

ITC Member ActCAD Releases New Versions

ActCAD Engineering Solutions Private Limited, a commercial member of the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium, announced the release of new versions based on the most recent ITC IntelliCAD 8.0a and 8.1b CAD engines:

  • ActCAD 2015 Standard (32-bit) based on 8.0a for Windows XP users and above
  • ActCAD 2015 Professional (32-bit) based on 8.0a for Windows XP users and above
  • ActCAD 2016 Professional (32-bit & 64-bit) based on 8.1b for Windows Vista\7\8\8.1\10 users
  • ActCAD 2016 Standard (32-bit & 64-bit) based on 8.1b for Windows Vista\7\8\8.1\10 users

ActCAD is general purpose CAD software for civil, mechanical, architectural, electrical, structural, interior and exterior design consultants. ActCAD has several extra features and options built in to enhance user productivity. ActCAD offers Global Licensing with a Self-License Transfer option for unlimited installations between computers.

For more information about ActCAD and the latest releases, please visit and

Topics: IntelliCAD 8 ITC ActCAD CAD

ITC Member ProgeSOFT SA Releases progeCAD 2017 Professional

ProgeSOFT SA, a member of the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium, announced the next major release of its flagship product, progeCAD 2017 Professional, a 2D/3D DWG/DXF-native general-purpose CAD application.

progeCAD 2017 is based on the IntelliCAD 8 platform and contains entirely rewritten source code with a new up-to-date ribbon look, improved performance, native 64-bit and multi-core support, new commands, and more.

For more details, visit