Articles and Press Releases

ActCAD 2024 Product Suite Released


Now available! ActCAD 2024 Prime, Professional, Standard, and Map Drafter include a wide range of new features: data extraction for report creation, Angle command, Super Hatch command, Quick Properties pane, VP Freeze, more spline options, section plane display settings, new formatting options for tables, many new Explorer capabilities, and so much more. ActCAD 2024 Prime also includes new BIM features such as AEC styles, creating roof and ceiling planes dynamically by referencing roof and ceiling plane symbols, assigning levels to AEC entities, importing .ifc files with more options, and including .rvt and .ifc underlays when exporting to .ifc files.

With products from the ActCAD suite, you can natively create and edit .dwg files for 2D drafting, 3D modeling, BIM (Building Information Modeling), and map digitization projects. ActCAD includes global perpetual licenses and has several licensing options.

In under two weeks, ActCAD was delivered to end users based on the newly available IntelliCAD 12 engine, released to ITC members on October 13, 2023. The ActCAD release includes custom changes to IntelliCAD source code to match its requirements, which is not possible with any other OEM CAD engine. To learn more about OEM options using the IntelliCAD engine, go here. To learn about how ActCAD benefits from membership in the IntelliCAD Technology Consortium, see the success story.