New Features

Improve your PDF imports

Use new advanced options when importing PDF files that provide more flexibility for how PDF geometry, text, and layers are imported.




Import point files (.csv and .txt files) 

Import coordinates from .txt and .csv files into a drawing. There are three ways to import point data: as point entities, as open or closed polylines, or as open or closed splines.




Insert dynamic blocks

When inserting dynamic blocks, press Ctrl to cycle through insertion points that are defined by its dynamic parameters or use grips to dynamically control blocks.



Create and edit tables

You can create and edit table entities in IntelliCAD 10.1. IntelliCAD provides in-place editing for table cells and supports both table and cell styles.



Quickly replicate entities

The Clone command draws the same entity type with the same properties as a selected entity. It is particularly useful when inserting blocks, hatches or AEC entities. For example, you can match all the properties for AEC entities like width, height, header height, etc., and additional hatch properties like scale, rotation, pattern name, and origin location.




Efficiently apply layer states

Apply a layer state to the current viewport, all viewports in a layout, or across all layouts and viewports in a drawing. 



Visually transition between views

Smoothly transitioning as you visualize your drawing helps orient you to the model. View transition options can be customized to provide a smooth animation between view changes, view rotation, and pan and zoom.



Quickly leverage groups

Use the Quick Group command for easier group creation. Simply select entities to group and click Quick Group. A new group has a standard look with a single grip and a bounding box, but you can turn on advanced grips from the Drawing Settings dialog to add scale, move, and rotate grips. Groups can also be edited and ungrouped using the Group Edit and Ungroup commands.



Import shapefiles

Import map data as CAD primitives from Esri® shapefiles (.shp), Autodesk® .sdf and Spatial® .sqlite files. 



Utilize geographic maps

To use geolocation options, specify a map file, your current location, or a latitude, longitude and coordinate system. Then you can capture an area of the geographic map as an image for offline work, add position markers, and change the map’s type (road, aerial, or hybrid).




  Organize, manage and publish multiple drawing layouts

Use sheet sets to create, organize, access and publish layouts of multiple drawing files or complete projects. 



Create and edit array entities with more options

Polar Array creates multiple copies of selected entities in a circular pattern. Rectangular Array copies entities in a rectangular pattern. Path Array allocates entity copies along a selected path or part of a path, which can be an arc, helix, circle, ellipse, line, polyline, 3D polyline or spline. Annotative array entities can be edited to add rows or columns, change distances between rows and columns, and add levels for 3D arrays.



  Utilize innovative 2D and 3D input devices

Using 3Dconnexion devices, users can easily access commands using programmable buttons, use custom view keys, and get ultimate 3D navigation.



  Customize and restore default settings

Quickly reset your customized IntelliCAD back to its original settings from the operating system Start menu. The Restore Default Settings tool also gives you the opportunity to back up configuration files without deleting them.



 See How it Works

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